Nacon responds, accusing the creators of Sinking City of sabotaging their investment

They add, “Frogwares was careful not to suggest that the court’s decisions were in Nacon’s favor.”

Every new day this week seems to bring some news about the issue Sunken city, To name it somehow. After several serious accusations FrogwaresAnd that the game has been withdrawn from sale for the second time in half a year to the publisher Nacon responded to these allegations He accuses Frogwares of sabotaging their investment by blocking the game’s re-release.

The game has been removed from Steam againFor those who are not aware of the history, Small CV: Sunken city fue Withdrawn from digital sale in August About a disagreement between Frogwares and Nacon. However, last week, the editor Repost the game On Steam without Frogwares’ approval, leading the studio to ask people He will not buy his own game.

What’s more, the study later published a statement where They accused Nacon of hacking their game To be able to publish it, they even issued a request DMCA Against them to force Your withdrawal from Steam for the second time. Well now Nacon is the one responding with Official statement Available on their website.

Nacon responds to the accusations

Nacon is the sole and exclusive distributorNaconFrogwares published an article On March 1, accusing Nacon of “hacking” The Sinking City, the statement begins. ” Nacon wishes to put the record straight about these unjustified claims. Nacon is the contractually sole distributor And exclusively for The Sinking City on Steam. “Let us remember that the initial decision for the trial between Nacon and Frogwares held in the fall was in favor of the publisher, granting Nacon Copyrights From the game. The decision is disputed by the Ukrainian studio.

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For this editor Claims to pay all monies She agreed with Frogwares in a timely manner and without error, thus, “unless Frogwares behaving in bad faith, she has no reason not to give her game to Nacon.” After the trial was resolved, Nacon “repeatedly” asked Frogwares to make his game available on Steam, and in the face of the studio’s refusal, the publisher pointed out: Condition of your contract Which, in these cases, would allow them to adapt the game With the help of third parties Do not count on the original study. Which is exactly what happened last week with the re-release of the game.

The publisher is considering new legal proceedings against Frogwares

Imagen de Sinking City

All court decisions so far have been in Nacon’s favorNaconMoreover, the editor points out Frogwares has tried posting in the past I played him on Steam secretly from Nacon, thus violating his agreements. By encouraging the gaming community not to purchase the game on Steam, Frogwares Sabotaging our investments once again in the game. Nacon clearly regrets this conflict, for which she is not responsible, and for which she tried to do everything in her power to avoid it. Nacon is more sorry That Frogwares requested that the game be withdrawn from Steam, thus depriving the community of the unique experience that The Sinking City provides. “

Nacon reserves the legal right to take action against Frogwares for their aggressive and harmful comments. Frogwares has made sure not to mention this. All court decisions Taken so far in the dispute between Nacon and Frogwares, It was favorable for us“The statement concludes. As we mentioned just a day ago, this dispute does not seem to end anytime soon. Looking at Nacon’s words, it appears that the editor is More than ready to go back to court. We’ll be following the case closely, and for those of you who are wondering what might be missing from this game’s pullout, you have it here. análisis de sunken city.

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More about: Sunken cityAnd the NaconAnd the Frogwares s steam.

Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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