Judge Cervini denounced an employee who took a sabbatical 12 years ago and earns $2 million and travels the world

Federal judge with electoral authority Maria Cervini criminally convicted an employee who worked under her orders that in the period from 2012 to November 2023, that is, 2,667 working days, the woman attended only 414 days, according to the presentation accessed and published by the site. information.

But also, during several vacation periods when she could not go to work, the woman went on a trip abroad. And so she showed it on social networks, saying: “Even if you think you own people's lives, you don't manage mine.” The complaint of defrauding the state also reached the doctor who allowed long leaves for health reasons.

The person named is Gabriela Donzelman Novarro, and she served for many years as chief of staff of the Electoral Tribunal in Buenos Aires. According to the judge, he earns about two million pesos from seniority. He got there on the recommendation of his mother, “a good employee,” but – as they say in Cerveny's court – about 12 years ago he began to have a change of heart. Those around them noticed that the woman was not interested in the world of justice and loved to explore her artistic veins.

“My thing is theater”

In fact, she admitted this when a medical panel interviewed her in 2019. She said: “What matters to me is the theater, the spectacle (…) This has always been my fault, not devoting myself to doing what I love. I never dared to leave a secure job, because it would mean earning a quarter of what I earned…” In his work environment, no one ever understood why he did not resign or accept retirement suggestions.

“The problem, of course, is not this frustration per se, but the way he dealt with it, and the resources he used to continue earning his wages without having to work, because justice, as he said, did not meet his artistic expectations,” the judge said.

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According to the report contained in the complaint, the employee said in the analysis that was conducted that she “hates everything related to the law.” It seemed like an “injustice” that they wouldn't let her leave work early.

He said it like this: “This injustice made me very angry, because by law we have 10 days a year for early retirement and they deprived me of that and I did not miss the whole year. Nobody says anything to all the rich people, and I, who asked to leave a little early, wasn't allowed to. “I collapsed over it and ended up in hospital.” His anger was so intense that he ended up taking time off work and several months without going to work.

“To put it more clearly, Donzelmann herself explained, as the medical professional told us, that as soon as she was not allowed to leave early without valid reasons, she ‘got angry’ and took immediate leave for several months as a form of retaliation against her.” “A system that calls into question – once again – the scientific seriousness of the medical certificates used to justify these absences while they continue to receive their salaries,” the complaint said.

The medical diagnosis is bipolar disorder. A condition that allows her to have an active working life, with studied medications, which the judge herself, at this point, allows herself to doubt, having sent her for examination at the Borda Hospital: “It does not provide continuous psychological treatment “A condition that prevents you from carrying out your usual work tasks”, was This is the conclusion they reached at that health center.

For this reason, he also denounced the professional Andrés Mega, who identifies himself on social networks as a “psychiatrist, psychotherapist and legal practitioner.” University professor of medicine. The “Forensic Psychiatrist of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation” is already retired.

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“The woman in question had developed, systematically and continuously over time, a fully detailed plan around the possibility of developing mental illness for the sole purpose of earning her wages without working, and resorting to long-term sick leave for this purpose.” The judge said. But during those periods of illness, the woman was traveling around the world “outside of legal lapses” and it showed on her social media networks, the complaint said.

Forged documents?

The judge also confirmed that to carry out the maneuver “ideologically false documents were used, for which it was necessary to prepare by Andrés Meja.” In total, over the years, the woman submitted 68 certificates signed by Megha “in order to receive her salaries while at the same time on leave, and this information considered in isolation – although of course it is not isolated data – its content should be questioned, because it is striking The person who is undergoing treatment and is supposed to be receiving treatment suffers from a lot of recurring compensation.

But the complaint asserts that even in that semester when she was “active” again, the woman requested regular medical leave, permission to care for a sick family member, moves, and unemployment days. “He used all the resources obtained for workers' rights for an abusive and distorting purpose,” they point out those around Cerveny.

During those periods of leave, court staff and colleagues watched as the woman uploaded the images to their social networks. “As if that were not enough, he used periods of vacation to be able to vacation around the world outside the legal periods for doing so, and to flaunt this publicly on social media,” the judge’s submission said.

According to Infobae, the issue of travel is crucial for the judge when evaluating the scenario. In 2012, on leave due to long treatment for an illness, he traveled to Brazil for 10 days in July and three days in February. In 2013, with the same license, he returned between July 19 and 29 to the “warm beaches of Rio.” And in 2014, it was no exception: “Sick leave did not prevent him from enjoying the European summer high season, and he was in Spain from July 23 to August 7.” In 2016, he went to Uruguay in March, from July to August to Spain, in November to Chile, and in December back to Uruguay. Indeed, in 2018, the employee, on her Instagram account, uploaded pictures about Europe and Punta del Este and added: “And this is the way I will continue around the world, whenever I want, whenever I want.”

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Comfortable buds

Details noted by the judge: “The outbreak” of the Electoral Tribunal employee “almost always coincides with years in which elections have taken place, by chance or causation, and are precisely those with the greatest volume of work in the secretary” of that jurisdiction.

“From 2012 to date, by resorting to abuse of the statutory licensing system, Donzelman has avoided having to work a whopping 13 elections, precisely when she was needed most. It is no surprise then that, in all these years, I have not worked Only three weekends in the 2015 election: those days when overtime was paid.

On December 19, the National Electoral Chamber dismissed her due to her series of absences. But so far, this layoff has not taken effect. The woman presented two new certificates from her private psychiatrist. One certificate indicated that the woman would suffer from “unpleasant thymic disturbance and sleep disturbance.” In the second, “unpleasant hyperthymus, hypoalbuminuria, and sleep disturbance.” Specialists at the Forensic Medicine Authority advised extending the license until February 28.

Freddie Dawson

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