3 Things You Should Never Ask Alexa for Anything in the World – Teach Me About Science

If you're one of the people who has Alexa in your home, you should know about this, so pay attention.

Alexa is the famous virtual assistant created by Amazon. It has the ability to perform some of the easier daily tasks for you, and among these activities we can find:

Play music for you

Tell you what environmental temperature you are in

I give you time

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Make your home smarter, and provide you with the necessary means to achieve this.

According to the portal Amazonyou can add countless features to your Alexa device, as well as integrate it with a device you have at home.

Technology, since its inception, has become an infamous landmark in the lives of every one of us, without a doubt, it has completely revolutionized everything. It has helped us access important and hard-to-know information, stay in touch with people we love but live far away from us, conduct research, and make our home smart, among many other benefits.

We know that the use of technology is the responsibility of the person who interacts with it, in this case every person. So, today we want to leave you with 3 inappropriate things, questions or requests that you should never ask your Alexa under any situation, so pay close attention.

Personal information that is sensitive or violates privacy

By sensitive information, we mean questions that embarrass the other person present at that moment.

Among these questions we can find private information such as bank cards, order data, dates or passwords. It is known that Alexa is a safe device and has purposes that benefit us, but let's remember that they are still technological devices, and there may be risks that we need to take into account.

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Inappropriate questions

It may be related to the previous point, but this goes a little beyond privacy, and almost touches on more sensitive aspects such as religions, race, sexual preferences, among other situations that make questions uncomfortable.

Medical questions

Image credit: BBC

While it is true that you can find information online about everything, symptoms, signs, diseases, etc., it is also true that it will never be as reliable and accurate as a professional doctor.

Alexa is a virtual assistant, if you ask her something related to medical problems like “Alexa, why does my head hurt?” He will immediately add it to his search engine and give you the first information he finds, but keep in mind that to find out the real cause, the doctor must evaluate you more deeply.

Let's remember that this virtual assistant is excellent in its goals, it was created for specific purposes such as using it to play your favorite music if your hands are full, or ask the time if you don't have a watch nearby, etc.

As we mentioned at the beginning, technology is the responsibility of those who use it, so let's try to use it for purposes that benefit everyone around you.

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Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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