Joe Biden announced that Japan and the United States will meet together “the challenges posed by China.”

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and US President Joe Biden in Washington on April 16, 2021 (Reuters / Tom Brenner)

US President Joe Biden said on Friday that his country and Japan will face the “challenges” posed by China together.

“We are committed to working together to address the challenges posed by China on issues such as the East China Sea, the South China Sea and North Korea,” Biden said in a joint press conference with Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide. Welcoming foreign dignitaries to the White House.

For his part, Suga stressed that the two countries would oppose “any attempt” by Beijing to “change the status quo by force or intimidation in the East China Sea and the south.”

The Japanese prime minister also reiterated that the security treaty between the United States and Japan establishes a framework for the Senkaku Archipelago, an area China calls the Diaoyu and where there is increased activity from Beijing.

Biden and Shuja at the White House on Friday (Reuters / Tom Brenner)
Biden and Shuja at the White House on Friday (Reuters / Tom Brenner)

on the other side, Suga also warned on Friday that his country would do its utmost to contain the Coronavirus infection and organize a “safe” Olympics this year.

Japan is listening and learning from WHO and experts, Suga said. He emphasized: “They are doing everything in their power to contain the infection and implement safe games from a scientific and objective perspective.”

“I expressed my determination to host the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games as a symbol of global unity this summer, and President Biden once again expressed his support.”The Prime Minister added.

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After being postponed for a year due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Tokyo Games are supposed to open in July. However, uncertainty about its usefulness has increased due to the growing attack of the virus worldwide.

Sports competition organizers said Friday that they have postponed another phase of the Japanese Olympic torch relay, the third one affected by the increase in injuries, and that the BMX Freestyle test event scheduled for April 24-25 will also be postponed.

With information from Agence France-Presse

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