“It's much more tragic.” Paul Verhoeven explains why the Robocop and Total Challenge remakes are worse than the original sci-fi films

The director of Starship Troopers was not at all happy with these new modifications

exit Paul Verhoeven He left us with many memorable films during his years in Hollywood such as “Starship Troopers”, “Basic Instinct”, “Total Challenge” and “Robocop”. The last two films were remade several years later, and both were far less than the original films. The director has already spoken out for years about what's wrong with these remakes – while highlighting that they “Very dangerous“-And now he's back to talking about why they're worse.

In an interview granted to MetrographVerhoeven confirmed that he had seen both versions and that he was not at all happy with the final result. And in the case of the starring version of Robocop Joel Kinnaman The following comments:

Verhoeven was also not very kind to the new version of the “Total Challenge” headed by Colin FarrellEspecially to dispense with any kind of ambiguity, which is very present in his film:

The truth is that Verhoeven's films are classics of science fiction cinema, while almost no one remembers the new “Total Recall” and “Robocop”. next to, Both films disappointed at the box officeespecially the first.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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