It was notorious for Romina Piccolotti’s discharge before sentencing, using public funds for personal expenses

Former Secretary for Environment and Sustainable Development at Kirchnerism, Romina Piccolotti, He said he did notno crimeIn his defense before knowing the court ruling, on Monday at 4:00 p.m. To use public funds for personal expenses.

Picolotti is on trial for Fraud at the expense of public administration, since 2006 and 2008 She transferred money from the budget of the trust she headed and paid with them the millionaire’s personal expenses: gifts, meals, airline tickets for her, her family, her friends, and even the charter of private planes. The case started with Investigation by Clarín, published in 2007.

Piccolotti said Monday morning before the 6th Federal Oral Court connected via Zoom from miamiin the United States, where he has resided since 2015.

The former environment minister has a He requested a prison sentence of three years and nine months By Prosecutor Diego Luciani and judges Sabrina Namer, Rodrigo Jiménez Uriboro and Guillermo Costabel will deliver the judgment.

The prosecution also claimed in the last argument that Pay off nearly seven million pesos to the state. Meanwhile, the defendant’s attorney, Philippe Trucco, claimed his acquittal.

Piccotti had a virtual audience this morning. She is accused of embezzling public funds. Pictures of Marcelo Carroll

The last trial hearing began at about 8 a.m. — about — with Picolotti calling from Miami with some audio and video problems.

However, the court first heard Prosecutor Luciani who Denied cancellations requested by the defense, who insisted on his acquittal.

Then it was Piccolotti’s turn, from He reiterated that there was “no evidence” against him.

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I am accused of signing the expenses and No calligraphy experience and no accounting. Fourteen years is an absolutely unreasonable time for a cause.”

He concluded by saying, “The only thing I ask from this court, which I asked for 14 years ago, is to apply the law objectively and impartially, which leads to my acquittal.”

Picolotti managed the environment portfolio between 2006 and 2008, First in the Nestor government and then in the government of Cristina Kirchner.

Its honesty was dependent, at that time, For the Prime Minister who was responsible for the current president, Alberto Fernandez.

Piccolotti is accused of paying illegal petty cash expenses, From sushi to private flights.

At the oral trial, she was tried for the offenses of “fraud at the expense of the public administration” in a case handled in the Federal Court of Maria Cervini, which investigated the alleged use of public funds for private expenses.

With information from Telam

Freddie Dawson

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