International flights: Flights from the United Kingdom, South Africa, and Brazil suspended until May 15 MTC nndc | trends

Amid the second wave of the new coronavirus facing Peru, the government has once again extended the suspension of flights from the United Kingdom, Brazil and South Africa. The measure is in effect until Saturday, May 15th.

The , Published today in the official newspaper El Peruano, aims to prevent the spread of Covid-19 Given the current health emergency. The decision is part of the ongoing analysis conducted by the various bodies of the executive branch.

Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MTC), by Prof. He noted that governments in the region and Europe have imposed limited and focused restrictions on countries where outbreaks of new types of Coronavirus have been recorded, such as the United Kingdom, South Africa and Brazil.

The suspension of previous flights from the aforementioned countries was approved by , Which went into effect from April 16 to April 30. It is worth remembering this later in Published by the Executive Authority on May 19, the measure has been extended until May 9.

Transportation and Communications Minister Eduardo Gonzalez urged passengers and the general public to “not lower their caution” and to continue implementing measures that prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, such as using a mask and a face shield and washing hands. And social distancing.

The MTC They assured international air transport passengers that to enter Peru they must present a negative molecular test Covid-19, Up to 72 hours before the flight; Complete an affidavit of health clearance and geolocation online and wear a mask and face shield at all times when staying on board and at the airport.

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Sacha Woodward

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