How to find out the physical location of a public IP address

What is an IP address

First of all, let’s remember what exactly it is IP address. We can say that it is a set of numbers that are used to identify a device on the network, be it a computer, a mobile device, or any other connected device. It can be private and public. The former is used to recognize us in the router, so that computers can communicate with it. The second is the identifier we use to connect to the Internet.

When we enter a web page, that website will know what it is Public IP. This way you can provide us with more personalized service. For example, if we enter a weather check page, it will appear in our area. Also, to enter certain platforms that may only be available for a specific country.

So, by IP, they can tell where we are, at least roughly. Of course, there are tools that allow you to hide this address. An example of this if we are browsing through a proxy or if we use a VPN. This way the real address is hidden and we move using a different address. We can even show ourselves as if we were in another country.

How do you know the physical location of an IP address

There are ways to find out What is the actual site From a public IP address. We can see which country belongs to which city and even approx coordinates. The first thing we need to do is find out which IP address is of interest to us. We can try our own. For this you simply have to use the type of services that you refer to What is my IP address.

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Once we have the public IP address that interests us, this is where the tool comes into play Maxmind. There we can bring it up 25 IP addresses We want to know where they belong. Using it is very simple, as we simply have to put it in the box that appears above and then click on send.

Later, in the box below, we’ll see a file The actual physical location Which corresponds to every IP address we set. It will also indicate the approximate coordinates, trigger, etc. In our case, we tested with Opera browser built-in VPN.

Find out the IP address by location

We can try whatever we want. It is a completely free online tool. As we can see, it is very easy to find out the true location of Public IP address What we want. It even shows us the approx coordinates. Accuracy may vary. We’ll also see a margin in kilometers.

How to hide real IP address

We explained what an IP address is and how they can find out our physical location from this information. We’ll now explain some simple options so you can browse the internet without showing the real address.

VPN services

One of the tools most used to mask a real IP address is VPN. It is available for both desktop and mobile devices. There are free and paid services, although we recommend using the latter to achieve better service and also to maintain our privacy.

What this type of software allows is to hide the real IP address and also connect us to a server located anywhere in the world. Thus, in a hypothetical way, it is as if we were elsewhere and we can even access geographically restricted services.

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Another similar option is servers agent. There are also free and paid software and the task is basically the same. It allows us to hide our real IP address and go through a medium. It is a kind of widely used tool for anonymous navigation and website modification.


A final option is to use Tor Browser. In this case, it’s a completely free service. Our connection passes through multiple nodes and hides the real IP address. It is another way to browse anonymously and avoid knowing our actual location.

In short, simply by having a public IP address they can roughly tell where we are, at least roughly. We have seen some ways to hide the real IP and not give out that information when browsing the internet.

Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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