Hacking: A new virus attacks and blocks Android mobile phones, we tell you what it is and how to avoid it

new breed of ransomware Kind of virus which “hijacks” the victim’s files and does not release them until the ransom is paidAnd the started b Cell phones hit. attack Released after notification from the “incoming call” and via the Home button from the device.

the so-called AndroidOS / MalLocker.BIt is a virus Hides in different apps to android which are offered for download on online forums and third-party sites and upon startup block users’ screens. smart phones where it is installed.

Also read: Android Alert: Detect apps with new viruses that have been downloaded by millions

The virus was reported by a special team of Microsoft. They explained in the statement that like most ransomware For Android, MalLocker.B does not encrypt victim files, but simply Access to the phone is prohibited.

The new virus locks the phone and denies access to its user. (image: Adobe Stock)

Microsoft stated that once installed, the ransomware Device controlAnd lock the phone’s screen It prevents the user from dismissing the ransom notewhich is designed to look like a police message telling the user that they have committed a crime and must pay a fine.

from here, The virus tries to deceive the victims Pretend a notice of infraction and a subsequent official summons to pay it.

This virus ransomware It is kind of family malware It has gone through several stages of development. Over time, these “breeds” have taken advantage of various vulnerabilities and features of Android operating systems Disable victims’ devices, block the screen and prevent access through the phone’s physical buttons.

Also read: The Android virus creates subscriptions to paid services behind users’ backs

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How to identify MalLocker.B ransomware

MalLocker.B comes with a variety of technologies from all previous versions of the virus. the ransomware It uses a two-part mechanism to display its ransom note.

part One It uses an incoming call notification and displays details about a call, such as the phone number and contact name.

Global Alert: They discover a new Android virus that activates with a cell phone's home button

The second part It abuses the “onUserLeaveHint()” function, a function that is executed when users want to put an app in the background and switch to another, activated by pressing the home button or the cell phone’s home button. MalLocker.B takes advantage of this code to overlay its ransom note on your screenput it in front and Prevent the user from closing it.

What to do to avoid becoming a victim of MalLocker.B

The main recommendation is Do not install Android apps downloaded from third party websites, Such as forums or ads from unauthorized websites or app stores. Then it is always convenient to have Install the latest available version of the operating system. And it doesn’t hurt to have a good antivirus.

Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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