Google Maps update: How to activate the new voice in Spanish

Google Maps It is the most popular app for those who need directions to places they don’t know in the simplest way. Now the update allows a new voice in Spanish to guide you on the map.

Changing the sound option is very simple. First, it must be up-to-date; If you have Android, this can be done through the Play Store. Once you put the name of the app, the refresh button will appear. yes instead You have an iPhone, to update the app you have to go to the App Storeand follow the same path.

The new update allows you to choose between two Spanish-language voices.

Once the app is updated, you can change the audio option by following these steps:

1. Go to ‘Settings’ And click on the option Navigation settings.

2. Then in the section “Voice and Voice”, Enable a number of settings:

– Be calm: Click “Alerts only” If you want the voice to speak only when necessary. Conversely, if you want the sound to indicate all the navigation, tap “looks on”.

Size Indicator: You can choose a file less sound Whether you prefer a quiet ride or louder If the car is very noisy and you need a higher volume to pick up directions.

3. Finally, go to “sound selection” To choose between the two voices available in Spanish.

Why Google Maps is starting to darken dogs’ faces in Street View

Reddit users noticed it on Street View There were several pictures of dogs and their faces were completely blurred or not clear. This discovery raised a series of questions and jokes about the reason for this decision to apply. Some talked about dog protection program Others joked that there was no need to wipe dogs’ faces, Since they have been identified by their tails.

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When we create Street View content from 360 video recordings submitted by a user, We apply our algorithms to automatically blur faces and license plates‘, Google explained to British media woman. With this, it can be understood that these obfuscation algorithms can also reach pets, as a kind of “side effect” of this technology.

Animal characteristics can help make a person recognizable, say those who support this guess. This may explain Google’s actions in this regard.

Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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