Cubans in Canada demand Sheritt cancel business with Cuba

Cuban activists for democracy and human rights on Sunday in Canada Sherett is canceling business with the Havana regimeamid a growing mobilization of Cuban civil society to demand that foreign businessmen not be accomplices in the dictatorship of the military dictatorship that oppresses and starves the Cuban people.

“Thank Toronto. Cubans who deserve goldCubanosenCanadaIsmaryBacallao always take it one step further. Little by little, everyone is joining the #BoicotDictaduraLosMambises,” Cuban activist Alberto Fonseca said on Twitter. Brother of Roberto Perez FonsecaA Cuban imprisoned for exercising his right to freedom of expression and demonstration during Historic 11J protests in Cuba.

Sharet International, one of the foreign companies with the largest presence in Cuba, is operating in a joint venture in the important mining area of ​​Moa, in the province of Holguín. Dedicated to the extraction and processing of nickel, the company has been operating in Cuba since 1991, the year the dictator Fidel Castro opened the gates for foreign investment, allowing them to enter to extract nickel and cobalt, as well as to extract nickel and cobalt. Exploration and production of oil and gas.

Over the years, this business has expanded into other sectors, such as electric power, agriculture and tourism. However, despite nickel prices soaring to a seven-year high, Cuba owes the Canadian company about C$156 million.

At the beginning of March the verdict was issued Miguel Diaz-Canel Received in Havana the President of Sherritt International, Leon BendelAnd the Under pressure from late payments from Cuba. An economic report for the company, published in February, acknowledged that it was continuing its “talks with its Cuban partners to expedite the payment of overdue accounts receivable.”

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However, the Cuban official press did not mention this important topic during Bendel’s visit to Díaz-Canel. a Official press report Granma She stated that the meeting discussed “the existing potential (…) to deepen the participation of this company in the economic development of Cuba, especially in activities such as mining, oil exploration and power generation.”

“Sherritt International is one of the long-standing foreign companies working in Cuba with Meliá and we know all the damage it has done, including damage to the environment. The Cuban government is the largest shareholder in the partnership with Sherritt for nickel mining,” denounced Ernesto Perez, Coordinator of Cuban Canadians from For Democratic Cuba, in a statement live in front of the company’s offices in Toronto.

Activist Ciro Diaz said it was “important to join these international boycott initiatives because knowing that Cubans around the world are united by a common cause makes us stronger and that a dictatorship ‘doesn’t fit’ these things at all.”

Companies are always looking for money, but they should know that the money will not come from the slavery of the Cuban people. It is important to say that this Part of an international campaign that will continue”, the musician also added, noting that in Rome, Madrid and New York Cubans also demonstrated Against Melia and foreign companies complicit in the dictatorship.

Under the slogan “Sheret deals with violators of human rights,” Cuban activists gathered in front of its offices and put posters around it denouncing the company’s complicity with the Cuban regime.

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Cherite is a global leader in the mining and refining of nickel and cobalt, two minerals essential to the growing adoption of electric vehicles. In 2020, 31,506 tons of nickel were produced at Moa, which is slightly lower than the expected 32,000 to 33,000 tons.

Cuba’s debt to the company has been in arrears for many years. In 2019, the Cuban government promised to pay off $150 million in debtthen report Finance Post. In November last year, Díaz-Canel offered Bendel a personal guarantee that his government, which has serious liquidity problems, would continue to pay its bills.

Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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