Course on Indigenous Medicine, Ancestral Medicine and Master Plants • Diario Democracia

On April 9, a training course on Indigenous medicine in multiculturalism, ancestral midwifery and master plants will be held in Junín. Registration is open now, until April 5, via training email.[email protected].

It is addressed to all people working in health fields and society in general, who are interested in recognizing and understanding the existence of different knowledge and applications of indigenous, traditional and multicultural ancestral medicine, and addresses the topics of general principles and practices of indigenous medicine. and ancestral midwifery care, knowledge and practices associated with vision plants.

“We have been in effect for five years in a row and a little more, we started in person and then during the pandemic we had more than 200 students, including Italy, France, the Philippines, Norway and many from Bolivia and Peru, from many countries in the pandemic,” said the chair’s chair, Oscar Farias. Who will teach the course with Mariel Noemi Camilo and Javier Ríos, told Democracia: “This virtual one has given us the possibility to connect with many indigenous and non-indigenous brothers and sisters from different latitudes.”

“When we talk about key plants we're talking, for example, about ayahuasca, coca, tobacco, different key plants that are found in the Amazon, all over America, and it's also about talking a little bit about the role of women in society and women as life-givers,” she explained. And as a connection through her womb, connecting with her mother Earth, that's what it's all about.

The course is intended for the general public and also for those who have specificity for some health treatments. “For example, we have held talks and held talks with the nursing degree program at Unnoba. For example, we also participate in national and international conferences supervised by the university, and we contribute the knowledge of our ancestors,” he added.

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“The idea is to value and defend our right to medicine, which is stipulated in Article 169 of the International Labor Organization. The National Constitution of the National State of Argentina and of course the Constitution of the Province of Buenos Aires also stipulates the recognition of ethnic and cultural pre-existence in all its forms and customs, among which intercultural education, and medicine enters In multiculturalism etc. He stressed all the rights that we have been given to all indigenous people and ancestors living within the territory of what we call Argentina today.

“I think indigenous people, ancestral people, indigenous people have a lot to contribute to common medicine, or to Western medicine. Our medicine is not alternative medicine, and we are not in that contradiction. Yes, we say that our medicine is complementary medicine, medicine that can facilitate and improve the good life.” And the quality of human life.

Through the Chair of Anuba Indigenous Peoples, “we have created this course that now adds ancestral midwifery that also relates to issues raised by Indigenous peoples, such as the issue of respectful birth. It is an approach to what indigenous birth is,” he noted.

“This is the new proposal to make it more attractive, more integrated and more comprehensive, and it is open to all those who wish to participate, and they should contact the Onuba University Extension Educational District,” he said.

“Our community is the indigenous Mapuche community from here in Junin, and this course is proposed not only by our community but also by the Waka Luna Cultural Center, which is from the Kuya people,” he stressed.

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Also, “The course includes the participation of brothers from all over America because using this online tool gives us access to other horizons and the ability to obtain the wisdom of many teachers, many indigenous leaders from different cities in America, so it is an attractive thing,” he stressed. Truly, he appreciates our medicine, our worldview, the culture of our ancestors, and our philosophy of life.”

Mapuche language course

In addition, Farias commented that during this week he began teaching Mapuche culture and worldview lessons with an introduction to the Mapuche language at School 26 in Campo la Cruz.

“It is also a separate project, an intercultural project to make intercultural bilingual education enshrined in law, and we are making it a reality through our community with the Chief of the Indigenous Peoples of Anuba and the authorities of the General Directorate of Schools, in this case through the Director and District Inspector of Primary Schools in the district Junin.

This is another course “that we started this year and it is new in the province of Buenos Aires because, for example, it is the first time that an intercultural bilingual experience has been implemented to enforce the law that has been in place for many years and that it is not implemented,” he concluded.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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