Coronavirus Vaccines: Uneasiness with Pfizer is growing over non-compliance with deliveries in Canada and the European Union

Pfizer faces delays in distributing its vaccine Credit: SvenSimon / DW

Rome- Today, the European Union and Canada declared their discomfort The North American Laboratory, Pfizer, revealed its lack of commitment to the agreed delivery of vaccines against the Coronavirus, which led to the suspension of vaccination programs, while the disease exacerbated the re-growth produced during the northern winter.

Pfizer announced a release last week Temporary reduction in agreed supplies In order to expand its plant in Puurs, Belgium, which distributes all vaccines delivered outside of the United States.

“We received it this week 29% less doses than Pfizer, and we’re told next week we’ll get 20% lessToday the Special Commissioner of the government Italy Paragraph epidemic, Domenico Arcuri.

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“Because of the delay in vaccine delivery by Pfizer, Italy went from an average of 80,000 people vaccinated per day, with a peak of 92,000, to an average of 28,000 per dayThe official said in statements to the press.

As of the delay, the Italian state has begun to prepare A lawsuit against the US company, which promised 475,000 weekly doses.

Due to the delay, Italy was also forced to Delays the start of vaccination for people over the age of 80, Which is supposed to receive the first dose in early February and will now have to wait another 15 days, according to the government this week.

The European Union, through Commission spokesperson Eric Marmer, said that Will require clarification from Pfizer After the complaints from Italy. “We will continue our contacts with BioNTech / Pfizer to ensure that we always have the most recent information and know what next steps to take on this basis,” said the European Press.

Also the governor of Ontario, the most populous province Canada, Rejected the arguments of the North American lab, said he did not believe in explaining the company, and warned that there are people who could die if they continue to breach their obligations.

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Ontario Premier Doug Ford said it’s unacceptable for other countries to get doses when Canada isn’t.

“It is up to Pfizer only to disappoint us,” said Ford, who spoke with the chief executive of Pfizer’s Canadian division last Tuesday.

Regarding Pfizer’s explanations for the delay and expansion of the Puurs plant, Belgium, Ford was strong in rejecting it

“I don’t believe anything of this shit.”He criticized the Prime Minister, who emphasized the seriousness of the epidemic.

Enough. Give us vaccinations. I don’t care what they’re building, they can make any excuses they want, I don’t buy them. We made an order, We have a contract, we comply with contract obligations because there are lives at riskHe called them and noticed that they had already closed the vaccination center due to lack of doses.

For its part, Pfizer declined to respond specifically to Ford’s comments, despite claiming that it had listened to their concerns, CNN reported.

“We recognize that it is becoming more and more difficult to progress smoothly in expanding the immunization program in Ontario and throughout Canada. This is a short-term situation and our focus is on meeting quarterly commitmentsPfizer Canada spokeswoman Kiana Gazvini said in a statement.

Agencies of the French News Agency and the Department of Political Affairs

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