Connecting to your neighbors' WiFi network without permission results in major legal consequences: what are they?

By connecting to an unknown network, other people can know our browsing history. (Illustrative image)

Getting the neighbor's WiFi password can be a solution to a certain situation. But this does not mean that using the Internet without permission does not have consequences. They go far beyond ethics and have implications for our safety and the safety of Internet users.

Although we think the risk we take by connecting to another home's network may be small, in reality we are interrupting their privacy, Using a service that we don't pay for and exposing all the information we use online in a network that we don't know what kind of security it has, and which must have been low from the beginning because we had access to it.

So, if we are thinking of getting the neighbor's WiFi password, We must take into account the consequences to which we expose ourselves.

This is the biggest problem. When we connect to a third-party WiFi network, we are exposed to the possibility of third parties monitoring our online activities and Capture confidential data, such as messages, emails, passwords, financial information, or the pages we visit.

Cybercriminals can intercept this information, putting our privacy and digital security at risk.

By connecting to an unknown network, other people can know our browsing history. (Illustrative image)

In addition, by accessing an unauthorized WiFi network, We also run the risk of cybercriminals gaining access to our devices And steal information stored on it, such as files, photos, or video clips.

Even if, in addition to our mobile phones or computers, we connect poorly protected IoT devices, these devices may be vulnerable, allowing hackers to access or control sensitive information to carry out malicious actions.

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Being connected to a network over which we have no control, we do not know whether the access password has already been compromised, whether the routers have been updated or whether the neighboring device has not been previously compromised. Let's remember: If we could get into that network, and we didn't have advanced knowledge, imagine what an expert cybercriminal could do.

Cybercriminals exploit open WiFi networks to spread malware and compromise the security of any device connected to it. This infection can lead to data loss, theft of personal or financial information, and hijacking of devices for use in illegal activities.

In addition, by using an unauthorized WiFi network, we may become unwittingly complicit in illegal activities carried out by third parties. Cybercriminals can use our connection to carry out illegal activities, such as fraud, identity theft, or distribute illegal content, which could have serious legal consequences for the owner of the WiFi network.

By connecting to an unknown network, other people can know our browsing history. (Illustrative image)

This is probably the least serious problem of all. By being connected to a network outside our home, we will receive an average or low connection signal, this means that the browsing speed will not be the best and we will have problems accessing streaming or downloading platforms. So the experience will not be comfortable and we will affect our neighbors.

Although it is about access to an intangible service, we must always keep in mind that we are using something that we do not pay for and that belongs to someone else. In some countries, accessing someone's WiFi network may have legal implications.

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For example, in the United States, accessing a WiFi network without authorization may violate the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, which prohibits unauthorized access to computer systems. While in the UK, this case could be considered a violation of the Computer Crime Act. So it is not something that can go unnoticed.

Aside from the legal and security implications, connecting to a neighbor's WiFi network without their permission is a direct violation of their privacy and can cause damage to the relationship between neighbors.

By taking advantage of someone's communication without their consent, we are invading their personal space and putting their digital security at risk. This can generate mistrust, resentment and conflicts in the place we live.

Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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