Chocolate chips: Joe Biden’s “sweet” diplomacy with members of Congress

Washington – The photos always make him look so presidential: Joe Biden Seated in a high-support chair, surrounded by members of Congress invited to a meeting at the White House.

But inside the Oval Office, lawmakers tell a different story, of a warm, interactive and energetic president – standing, seated, calling lawmakers by name, sharing stories about their hometown – and determined to get them done.

And you walk out of the door They are offered a cookie with chocolate chips, and it is the most popular North American snackAnd pushing for a potential partnership between the White House and Congress.

“This was the day they would remember, not so much for being in the Oval Office, but because of the attention the president gave us, the personal attention, the commitment, the originality and the seriousness of caring for people, especially people,” said Representative Joyce Beatty, an Ohio Democrat, chair of the black community Of Congress “those who have been marginalized.”

‘Very presidential in a personal style’, He said.

Biden, formal in public, unofficial in the private sector

The approach is not out of the ordinary. New presidents often invite lawmakers to the White House at the start of any administration to clear the way for the next term.

Donald Trump held impromptu sessions at the White House on a variety of topics at televised and often televised gatherings. Barack Obama took a more subtle approach, though it was too much of a White House visit with an M&M candy.

Biden welcomed more than 100 lawmakers to visit during his first 100 days, both from Republicans and Democrats. Private meetings are often seen as a political theater partly to get to know each other, and partly to build strategy, so that all parties seem to at least do their best.

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But unlike its direct predecessors, Biden is a veteran of Congress, who not only knows many lawmakers personally, but also understands the rhythms of their workdays. In the Capitol.

Sending them in their pockets full of cookies wrapped in a Presidential Gold Seal doesn’t hurt either, a little diplomacy to get them back in Congress.

“President Biden has always believed in engaging Congress as an equal branch of government,” said Representative Joe Negus, the managing director of the party leadership, who shared cookies with his staff. The evidence is in the results: his agenda passed through Congress very quickly.

AP Agency


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