Cancellation of the mandate: Morena’s real challenge is to mobilize millions of voters

On April 10, the revocation of the mandate will take place. (Photo: Quartoscuro)

The next day, April 10, will be the Day of Citizen Participation in the Revocation of the Mandate, when nearly 90 million Mexicans with voting credentials can answer the question. Do you agree to cancel the term of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, President of the United Mexican States, due to loss of confidence or his continuation in the Presidency of the Republic until the expiration of his term?

In the Citizen consultation that took place in August of last year for Mexicans to decide whether or not to try former Mexican presidents, Only 6.5 million voters participated To kiosks installed across the country. Previously, from October 25 to 28, 2018 A non-binding consultation was heldso that Mexicans choose to continue or cancel a project Airport in Texas. On that occasion, it was barely possible to get past a million voters.

In order to make the result of revocation of the mandate binding, some must be 37.5 million Mexicans go to the polls to vote, with just over 91 million voters registered in the country. Any number below those 37.5 million participants would automatically mean that the president would remain in office until 2024.

For some political analysts, Morena’s real challenge is to mobilize as many voters as possible and demonstrate “political strength,” so reaching around nine or ten million voters would already be seen by the party as an achievement, in the face of the electoral processes of 2022 and 2024.

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In the 2018 presidential election, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador managed to get 30.11 million votes, making him the president with the most votes in the past 40 years. Hence, political analysts see that the real challenge for the chief of the executive branch now is to mobilize his bases again, which is why Morena did everything in his power to spread this democratic practice as they describe it.

National President of the Movement for National Regeneration (MORENA) Mario Delgado celebrates during a rally with his supporters.  (Photo: EFE/Carlos Ramirez)
National President of the Movement for National Regeneration (MORENA) Mario Delgado celebrates during a rally with his supporters. (Photo: EFE/Carlos Ramirez)

After the Federal Congress, by a majority of Morena, approved the decree allowing public servants to publicize the revocation of the mandate, President López Obrador on Friday asked his opponents to vote as well, even if against him, with a view to raising the level of participation.

That same week, López Obrador announced that even if the legal minimum of 40% of the electoral register was not reached, he would resign if a majority of voters were inclined to remove him as president.

Regarding this “ordinance” allowing public officials to spread this practice among the electorate, Electoral Tribunal for the Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF) I take it Does not apply to cancellation of assignment What will happen Next April 10 and for the electoral processes that are already underway.

The Mandate Abolition Act indicates that the participation of at least forty percent of the persons registered in the nominal list of electors is necessary for the result to be binding on the person holding the office of the Presidency of the Republic, in this case Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

MEXICO CITY, AUGUST 01, 2021. - 10 hours after the day of citizens' participation in the 2021 People's Consultation, units began counting votes to announce the results of this democratic exercise in the next few hours.  Photo: DANIEL AUGUSTO /CUARTOSCURO.COM
MEXICO CITY, AUGUST 01, 2021. – 10 hours after the day of citizens’ participation in the 2021 People’s Consultation, units began counting votes to announce the results of this democratic exercise in the next few hours. Photo: DANIEL AUGUSTO /CUARTOSCURO.COM

In the event that a participation of at least 40% is submitted and the result is negative for President López Obrador, the law indicates that:

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Once National Electoral Institute (INE) Carrying out the calculation with the official results, the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judicial Power will immediately notify the results of the process of abolition of the mandate of the President of the Presidency of the Republic, the Federal Congress, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) and the National Election Commission itself for the corresponding constitutional purposes.

The political constitution states that in cIn order to remove President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, executive power will be temporarily taken over by the holder of the presidency, in this case Morinista Sergio Gutierrez Luna..

Then, within the next thirty days, Congress must designate the person who will end the constitutional period.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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