Bolsonaro wanted to bring undisclosed gems to Brazil | with a value of approximately 3 million euros

Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro Try to bring talented jewelry from Saudi Arabia to Brazil At a value of 16.5 million riyals (about 3 million euros) without declaring it in advance and without paying the corresponding taxes. The Brazilian press reported this in the past hours.

The former president received a large amount of jewelry from the Saudi authorities in October 2021 “Necklace, ring, watch and a pair of diamond earrings”all gifts for who was the first lady at the time, Michelle Bolsonaro.

Upon returning to Brazil, customs officers found the jewelry in the backpack of one of the soldiers who traveled with the presidential delegation. And they verified that none of the things had been previously declared as a legal trademark.

The goods were seized at Guarulhos International Airport in Sao Paulo, according to information from the newspaper State of Sao Paulo Which was later confirmed by other media. The former Minister of Mines and Energy, Bento Albuquerque, has tried unsuccessfully to recover the gems on numerous occasions..

The Brazilian newspaper confirms that in the last two months of Bolsonaro’s term, Four attempts were made to retrieve the gifts Even mobilizing the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and the Economy, all without success.

The only way to redeem the gems is to pay the mandatory import tax, 50 percent of the value of the item in question, and A fine of 25 percent of the value for not declaring from the startaccording to the news agency Europe Press.

The other option is to declare it as “An official gift to the President and the First Lady”but the local media makes it clear that in this way they will belong to the country of Brazil, and not to the Bolsonaros.

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The current Minister of the Communication Secretariat of the Presidency, Paulo Pimenta, spoke harshly about the issue on his Twitter account: “The report (from State of Sao PauloIt reveals shocking details about how the system of bribery, gifts and illegal benefits worked for Bolsonaro and his family and close advisors. Everyone deserves to be investigated and punished for the crimes committed.”.

Likewise, he described the former Albuquerque minister’s attempts to retrieve the jewels as something “Shameful, and this indicates the immorality of those who held positions in the government.”.

Freddie Dawson

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