Art, Science and Nature, at the Joaquín Fargas Gallery in San Martín

One of the works in the show.

“Gaia 3.0” is a Interactive art show Based on a selection of works Artist – Architect Joaquin Vargas, which can be visited at Cultural San Martín in Buenos Aires, based on the idea that “the future of humanity will depend on our actions today on the connection between technology and nature,” the organizers report.

Gaia, in Greek mythology is the embodiment of Mother Earthgives a title to this anthology that brings together some of the art installations designed by Vargas and most famous around the world, where “the public will be able to interact with works that have accessibility resources for people with visual and motor impairments,” they noted.

With free admission, the sample can be visited until December 11 – Fridays from 7 to 9 pm, Saturdays from 6 to 9 pm and Sundays from 4 to 8 pm – in the Sótano Beat Room in Sarmiento 1551 Building, CABA.

Joaqun Fargas and one of his works
Joaquín Fargas and one of his works.

cut like “Robotika, the nannybot” They ask questions such as whether we humans are in a position to ensure the survival of our species or whether we are willing to delegate our future to artificial intelligence; while behaving like “Dowser” or “Glaciator” or “Don Quixote Against Climate Change” Suggest solutions regarding global warming and ask if these paths are ideal.

While, “The Ultimate Book” It reveals the relationship between information and knowledge, and the “Biosphere” project highlights the fragility of the planet and the need to take care of it. How? Isolate natural ecosystems – which represent our planet on a micro scale – in airtight containers where the only interaction with the environment is through heat and light.

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Fergas was honored At the Ars Electronica Festival 2017 – The most important global event of electronic and digital arts takes place every September in the Austrian city of Linz – precisely because of the “Glaciator”, one of the works exhibited in San Martín.

It is a robot that feeds on solar energy, created to compress and re-crystallize the snow of Antarctica, turning it back into ice and allowing it to stick to the mass of the glacier. With its slow and idyllic course, this machine seeks to raise awareness about the consequences of global warming, which in the past 50 years has significantly melted the polar ice cap.

Art and nature at the San Martin Cultural Center Gallery
Art and nature at the San Martin Cultural Center Gallery.

Architect and artist, Fargas (1950) is responsible for works associated with possible or ideal propositions regarding life, its preservation and the interrelationship between objects. His work has been shown in museums, galleries and biennales in different regions of the world, and he is the Chair of Arts and Technology at Maimonides University, where he founded the Bioart Laboratory, which he also directs.

“I worry about man and his chances of survival in the future. I translate that into my works. I am not specifically referring to environmental issues, but to human history. We are all on the same planet. I wonder what will happen to the environment 200 years from now, Or how technology will change us,” Letlam explained at the time.

The piece Passed Through Venice also distinguished itself in the Hybrid Art category of the Prix Ars Electronica

Meanwhile, the The “Absolute Book”, which can be seen in the basement of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Cultural Center, was displayed. Egypt, one of the most important cities in the ancient world.

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It is about a utopia “a book that can contain all knowledge in one volume, like an encyclopedia, inspired by the Book of Sand and the Library of Babel, two short stories by Jorge Luis Borges,” this creator said in that interview.

Vargas is an engineer and artist
Vargas is an engineer and artist.

Is the book container of universal knowledge possible? Is the Internet the number we were looking for? Here are some of the questions that prompted it:The Ultimate Book encourages us to explore paths. Your temporary pages do not have the ability to be viewed twice, they can only be seen once.details about this object, consisting of two pyramids linked at the base containing nine prisms rotating on a central axis, generating thousands of clusters.

The viewer has to stand in front of the work and make it spin and the results produce – on a screen in the foreground – a page that is unique and unrepeatable, thanks to a search engine that feeds random information into the Internet.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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