A Hogwarts Legacy player reincarnates as Voldemort and commits a heinous crime that few would dare: take down Professor Weasley – Hogwarts Legacy

A Reddit user posted a video where he destroyed Professor Weasley in the guise of Voldemort.

It is a fact that the Hogwarts legacy has lived up to Sell ​​millions units around the world. However, within this large number of users, there are few who just want it Engage in harmAnd since there is no moral system to judge your actions, you can do whatever you want. Obviously the greatest inspiration for many is VoldemortSo they want to imitate everything about him.


As collected by our colleagues from extra livesa User on reddit Post a video where you areTransforms his character into Lord Voldemortand, based on the spells, end with a life Professor Weasley without being able to defend itself. As can be seen, Voldemort ended his fearsome combo with the famous Avada kedavra. Of course, this was only possible in PC and thanks for the modifications.

If it weren’t for community mods, this kind of thing wouldn’t be possible. player indicates that they are used 3 mods. The first is clear: He became Lord Voldemort himself. The second is allowed Attacking both teachers and studentswhile the third adds more spells, animations, and the voices of the famous villain.

Other Hogwarts Legacy adaptations

You might not have realized it, but one of the mods that got the community excited the most was when you could play cooperatively, even though it’s not something everyone can afford. What if we now went into virtual reality with Hogwarts Legacy? Another modification allows you Enjoy this magical world If you have virtual reality glasses.

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