A woman has been rescued alive after spending hours in her submerged truck in a lake

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police officers A woman has been found alive after spending several hours in her car, which sank into a lake. The event took place in Texas, USA and it was a hunter from the area who denounced the situation through a call.

Authorities received an emergency call from a fisherman who described seeing him A Jeep Wrangler pickup truck submerged in Lake Oath Pinesnear southwestern Marion County.

A woman has survived after spending hours submerged in her Jeep Wrangler in a lake. (Photo: Marion County Sheriff’s Office)

When the forces arrived at the scene, “they expected the worst case scenario,” one of them said USA Today. but, The woman, who was not identified, was fine and said it had only been a few hours..

A number of agents and a crane went to the spot. And when they were preparing to get the jeep out of the water, A person is detected in the car and is moving”, they specified in the official letter of the Marion County Sheriff’s Office.

In the same sense, they explained that the woman was quickly transported to a local hospital and that they had discovered during the investigation process that It was a missing person from Longview, Texas, who had been reported as such two days earlier.

We don’t know exactly how long it was The jeep was in the water and the victim assured us that was at least a few hours,” Capt. Chuck Rogers of the Marion Sheriff’s Office told the same outlet.

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Freddie Dawson

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