It wasn’t even Valve’s original idea, but it changed the way Counter-Strike 2 is played. The key is to demand that players pay attention – Counter-Strike 2

The Premier game mode actually exists in Global Offensive, but everyone has forgotten about it. Fortunately, Valve found a solution

Since the official launch, there have been mixed opinions regarding it Counter Strike 2. Controversy with a new version of the tactical shooter valve Which still doesn’t reach the level of content or attention to detail that it had Global aggression. However, there is also hope because many changes can be positive in the long term. In fact, if we look closely, we’ll see that the title is full Small details Which comes to solve problems found in CS: GO and in many other multiplayer games. Among all these modifications, there is one modification that catches my attention now I miss it every time I play almost anything else.

A problem that disappeared with Counter-Strike 2

He became Prime Minister Counter Strike 2 basic game, but it’s not entirely new. Although it has been revamped with a new ranking system and other elements that make it more attractive to players, it is already present in Global Offensive. The problem with the old version of the video game is that no one cared about it. This was due to many flaws in its design, but among all the flaws there was one that stood out above all others: it did not respect the players’ time. On a good day, it can take six minutes from finding a game to starting to play. In a bad case, the number can double.

What is the problem? Maybe technological limitations. Premier is a ranked match mode inspired by the rules of professional tournaments. This means that teams must lock six of the seven available maps into competitive rotation in what is known as the “Veto Phase.” In Counter-Strike 2, this blocking and selecting phase is performed from a modified version of the game’s main menu which only takes a few seconds to load. However, in Global Offensive this was not the case. Players had to enter the waiting room, which made them lose several minutes before voting began.

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The map picking and blocking phase in CS:GO Premier Mode took place in a scenario called “lobby_mapveto” (via Counter-Strike Wiki).

The process took forever, and above all, Very boring. After finding a game, we loaded the map which served as a waiting room, which could take a long time, and then we had to wait for all the players to join. Then it’s time to vote, and finally, a new loading screen and wait again for the rest of the users to connect to the game. Imagine the bad feeling you can get when a player fails to connect and doesn’t join, having to repeat the process from the beginning. Simply put, the most profitable thing was to ignore this game mode.

Counter-Strike 2 is the exact opposite. From the moment you find a game until you start playing, an average of two minutes pass. One corresponds to the blocking phase of the map and the other corresponds to the loading screen of the scenario in which the game is played, also based on players waiting. It’s a system in which the new version of a video game crushes its predecessor, but in which it also crushes itself Much higher than some of its competitors. It should be noted that the word “some” was chosen consciously, as Valve seems clearly inspired by the way it works Rainbow Six: Siege.

The changes make Premier Mode the most popular game mode in Counter-Strike 2.

However, the big difference I found when playing Counter-Strike 2 compared to other video games is that the title of the game Valve does not deceive. The developer demands your attention from the moment you find the game. The map selection and blocking phase lasts for one minute, providing just enough time to decide which scenarios will be blocked, and shows no mercy to clueless players. If you’re not careful, you could end up playing on a map you don’t like or give the enemy team an advantage. Developers wash their hands: The rules are that and you have to adapt.

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make a clear comparison, brave Teams are given about a minute and a half to choose characters. This is despite the fact that all ten players in the game can choose a champion simultaneously. It’s still a short period of time, but that’s not the problem. It is too much. In fact, there will be many players who find themselves in this situation: you look up a game, choose your character, and decide it’s time to go to the bathroom or take a break; Because we still have to add “draft” agents for that minute and a half Wait 40 seconds for the first round to begin After downloading the map.

The problem with Valorant isn’t that the wait time is excessive, it’s that it’s unnecessary.

Something similar happens in the other great game Riot Games. league of legends It also gives players a surprisingly long period of time (34 seconds) to choose their hero. It is true that MOBA has its own distinct characteristics It is difficult to reduce times. However, more than half a minute per election cycle is still redundant. The difference between Counter-Strike 2 and Rainbow Six: Siege is that the systems don’t require any kind of discipline. Not only does it convey to players the idea that the game starts at the same moment you accept it, but rather it creates a clear difference between the phase before its start and its real start.

The fact is that Valve’s decision and Ubisoft Seems right to me. In fact, I miss it every time I spend time in another competitive game that creates artificial wait times before the game starts just for the sake of it. Lack of confidence in your players’ ability to care. In this sense, I hope that many companies will review this design element by looking in the mirror of the aforementioned Counter-Strike 2 or Rainbow Six: Siege.

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Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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