The trick to free up up to 60% of storage space on cell phone without uninstalling any app

Freeing up storage space on cell phone is a common need among smartphone users. (picture information)

Smartphones are a great ally because they allow you to easily save, access and share different types of files, but the internal memory of these devices is limited and there is a common problem of running out of space. Fortunately, for Android users, there is a simple trick to free up more than half of your storage space without having to delete apps.

green android phones, Although its capacities start at 128 GB, They face increasing demands on space due to the amount of constant app updates and storage of a wide range of personal information such as photos and songs.

Note that the App Store Google Play Store has implemented an innovative solution And effective to combat this problem.

Google Play Store has implemented an innovative and effective solution. (Reuters)

the Automatic self-archiving feature of the applicationis designed to free up up to 60% of memory on Android devices, because it works by automatically archiving unused applications, fully preserving their data and settings when the user decides to activate them again.

It is important to note that this option It is disabled by defaultOr, first it will be necessary to activate it through the following steps:

  • Open the Google Play app on a Smart robot.
  • Touch on Icon where your profile picture is locatedusually located in the upper right corner of the screen.
  • Click on “Settings” option..
  • Click on the arrow that appears on the right side of “General” section..
  • Finally, activate the button to the right of the option “Automatically archive apps”.
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Likewise, it is important to note the self-archiving functionOr it will only run when available memory space is scarceSo Google Play only works under conditions of urgent need.

Through a series of simple steps, it is possible to free up to 60% of space on your device without having to delete any application. (picture information)

Once the AutoArchive feature starts working, You can review applications that have been archived To save memory. To manage it you need:

  • arrive to play store On an Android mobile phone.
  • Click on Profile icon From Google which appears at the top right of the app.
  • Click on “App and device management” option..
  • Touch on “Management” tab..
  • Move the top bar to the left and Click on the “Archived” window. To view all automatically archived apps
The store will help users get better knowledge of the apps they want to download. (Google)

With a catalog that exceeds 3 million requestsThe Play Store offers great features to its users such as:

  • diverse: One of the biggest benefits of the Play Store is the wide range of apps available. Users can find virtually any type of application they are looking for, adapting to a wide range of needs and tastes.
  • protection: Google has security measures in place to protect both users and developers. The Play Store reviews apps for malware and privacy violations before they’re available for download, contributing to a safer user experience.
  • Automatic updates: Downloaded apps can be set to update automatically, ensuring users have access to the latest features and security improvements without the need for manual action.
  • Integration with Google ecosystem: The apps are optimized to work with a wide range of Google services, providing a cohesive and convenient user experience.
  • Comments and ratings: Users can review other people’s reviews and ratings before downloading the app, which helps them make informed decisions based on other users’ experiences.
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The exact number of apps available in the Play Store varies constantly due to the constant addition of new apps and the removal of apps that do not meet Google’s safety or quality standards. Moreover, this number It includes a mix of free and paid appswhich covers a wide range of categories such as gaming, education, business, productivity, health and well-being, among others.

Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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