What are Windows virtual desktops and how to use them

Virtual desktops allow you to organize your computer. (Microsoft)

Windows 10 and 11 They have a tool that allows us to organize our computer and customize it for the different tasks we give it: Virtual desktops. This feature is useful for those users who have multiple tasks on one device and sometimes use it for work, study or play.

In essence, virtual desktops are a tool that allows us to double our workspace and classify windows and applications according to specific topics or tasks. So below we will explain everything you need to know about this function and make the most of it.

The concept of this option is the ability to divide the computer desktop into multiple designated spaces. Its main goal is to improve productivity by allowing users Organize your applications Activate more efficiently.

For example, you may be working on an important project and at the same time want to listen to music to stay focused. However, opening the Music app with all your work windows can be a challenge.

This is where virtual desktops come into play, because you can create Virtual desktop Separate exclusively for the Music app and seamlessly switch between them as needed.

Virtual desktops allow you to organize your computer. (information)

Access virtual desktops in Windows 11

There are several ways to access virtual desktops. One is to swipe up with three fingers on the trackpad, and the other is to use the shortcut on the taskbar or press a key combination Windows + Tab. Once you complete any of these steps, all available virtual desktops will appear.

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Once all programs and windows are organized in this view, it is possible to create a new virtual desktop by clicking the New Desktop button. This will allow you to create a completely new space for different tasks.

Change the name and background of each desktop

An essential tip for getting the most out of virtual desktops in Windows 11 is to give them meaningful names. This makes it easy to identify which applications are in each space. For example, name your desktop “Office” to group office-related applications, or “Music” to put your favorite music player.

In addition, you can customize Wall paper For each virtual desktop. This not only adds a visual dimension to the organization, but also makes each workspace easier to identify.

Changing your wallpaper is as simple as going to Task View, opening the desktop context menu, and choosing Choose Wallpaper. From there, you must select and configure the desired wallpaper for each desktop.

Move between desktops

Opening Task View and clicking on the desktop you want to access is one option. However, there are shortcuts that make navigation easier:

– Slide four fingers from left to right on the trackpad to switch between desktops in the specified order.

– Use the keyboard shortcuts Windows + Ctrl + Right Arrow or Windows + Ctrl + Left Arrow to switch between desktops quickly and easily.

Virtual desktops allow you to organize your computer. (information)

Change the order of virtual desktops

Customizing the arrangement of virtual desktops is a valuable option to ensure quick access to the spaces that matter most. To do this, you have to open the Tasks view and long-press on the desktop, then move it left or right to rearrange them according to your preferences.

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Although it is a function that has a variety of options, there are also some limitations that must be taken into account when configuring.

– Office unification: Despite the organization they offer, virtual desktops are the same in their structure. This means that you can’t specifically customize the layout of icons or items on each desktop, which can make it difficult to organize certain programs.

– Applications that take focus: Some applications, such as Google Chrome, tend to constantly focus on the desktop, no matter which desktop we’re using. Although Microsoft has improved this with updates, it can still be an inconvenience at times.

Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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