Yucatecan deportations from the US and Canada drop: Siggo

Merida, Yucatan. – In the first semester of this year 2021, a Yucatecan deportation from the United States and Canada Reduced compared to last year: from 167 to 114 people deported, according to the British newspaper The Guardian Ministry of Interior Affairs (will go away).

Campeche, for its part, increased 8 percent from 249 to 269 deported, and in Quintana Roo, the increase was 71 percent, from 155 cases to 265.

Nationwide, from January to June 2021, about 110,000 Mexicans were deported from Canada and the United States. Among the returned migrants were 12,000 minors, 46 of whom were Campeche, Quintana Roo and Yucatan.

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The number of deported from Yucatan Peninsula It represents less than 1% of the total.

Of the total number of Mexicans deported from the Nordic countries, 109,553 were illegally Mexicans in the United States and 120 in Canada, four of whom were Yucatan.

And the return of citizens who wanted to try their luck in the American Federation increased by 23.1% compared to the first half of 2020, when the number was 88,987.

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The “Repatriation Incidents of Mexicans from the United States” report, released by the Department of the Interior, notes that the highest number occurred in Oaxaca, where 11704 were repatriated, accounting for 10.7 percent. They are followed by Guerrero with 11,228 Mexicans at 10.2% and Michoacan with 9,725 cases, or 8.9%.

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Countries reporting the lowest deportations are: Baja California Sur, 89 cases, 0.08 percent; In second place is Yucatan, 114, 0.11 percent. Quintana Roo 265 percent 0.24 percent and Campeche 269 0.25 percent.

With regard to minors, the number of cases nationwide reached 11,975, of which 11,391 are between 12 and 17 years old, and 584 are under 11 years old. Only 29 minors were deported in Quintana Roo, in Campeche there were 16 infants, and only one in Yucatan.

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Sacha Woodward

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