Canada: Doctor accused of using semen to fertilize patients will pay a millionaire

Nearly 200 victims indicted by Canadian fertility doctor Using the wrong sperm – and even sperm – in treatment Have reached an economic agreement for about 10.7 million US dollars (the equivalent of CAD 13.3 million) as compensation for damages generated. The millionaire amount will be divided by the total number of victims.

The settlement is part of a class action lawsuit against Norman Barwin, a doctor accused before 226 women used the wrong semen And even in the process of pollination, according to the local Ottawa native. The judicial process was introduced in 2016.

Investigations, with the help of DNA tests, revealed that At least 17 people are Bardwin’s girlsWhile another 80 discovered that the sperm used in the fertility process did not correspond to what it should.

The settlement was not approved by the Supreme Court of Justice in Ontario, Canada. However, to date, the parties have already agreed to the agreement, according to which, when accepted by the relevant authorities, each of those affected can receive compensation of at least 40 thousand dollars.

One of Barwin’s daughters, identified as Rebecca Dixon, indicated that the agreement reached was “incomplete solution” He regretted that his father newly discovered You do not bear any direct responsibility.

I’m not sure we’ll achieve closure. It is something that will accompany us for the rest of our lives. But ending the legal part will allow people to be more at peace with the situation,” Dixon said.

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Sacha Woodward

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