Yankees: Boone concerned about COVID protocol in Canada

Tampa, Florida (AFP) – Yankees coach Aaron Boone is concerned about the impact on his squad because players who have not been vaccinated against the coronavirus will not be able to travel to Canada to face the Blue Jays in Toronto.

The Canadian government requires everyone to have received a second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine — or one dose in the case of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine — at least 14 days before entering the country.

“It will be interesting to see how this situation develops,” Boone said on Sunday.

The Yankees will make their first visit to Toronto in a three-game series starting May 2 against their Middle East rivals.

“The parties have agreed that, as a result of government regulation such as this, any player who is unable or ineligible to play in a game(s) of the season due to his/her vaccination status, will not be eligible to be placed in Disabled by COVID-19, but will be Add him to the list of banned players…without the right to pay or service Major League Baseball season tickets due during this unavailability period,” according to a letter from the Players Association’s Deputy Legal Counsel, Matt Nussbaum, sent to Patrick Houlihan, Senior Vice President of Major League Baseball. The Associated Press obtained a copy.

The letter says the agreement on unvaccinated players and travel to Canada will continue until the end of the 2022 campaign.

Boone said, “It’s an individual decision. Now, if it becomes an issue, I will discuss it with the players. But in the end, this is something that I see as an individual decision. I understand that it is something that has become an issue that divides us as a nation in the world.”

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Sacha Woodward

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