Xiaomi announced a far-reaching wireless charger that charges all devices in the room remotely

Although Apple had a problem getting it to work air ForceAnd the Your carpet Multiple device chargingAnd the On the horizon, there’s a new technology that promises to make wireless charging truly wireless. Xiaomi is Another company in promise A world without wires Download, however we do not know when will you arrive.

Wireless charging in its current form is the same Appropriate, While to me It allows you to place a device like your phone or headphones On the platform for download The Battery without having to be connected cable. But at the same time, it is also restricted, why It requires you to leave The device is on a desk or end table until charging. True wireless charging is the perfect solution for while you are In the same room with the wireless power transmitter, you have it The phone will be charged no matter where you areEven if you still are Wearing in the hand.

It looks like a complete science fiction, but the technology is there, and in 2016 a company was named This is show up Functional Models From its Cota wireless charging system at CES. Xiaomi today announced its wireless charging system called “Mi Air Charge Technology” which appears to offer similar functions (and limitations). For KOTA Technology from Asia.

Instead of wires or a pair of lined magnetic coils, Mi Air Charge uses a transmitter (roughly the size of an air conditioner Portable) equipped with antennas that accurately locate The device then used radio frequency To transmit millimeter waves for him. A separate, smaller set of antennas act like a receiver inside another device, converting wireless signals to roughly 5 watts of power, which the charger delivers. smallest iPhone when plugged into a power outlet.

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Xiaomi promises that the system can supply power to multiple devices at the same time, be it a phone, TabletOr headphones, or even a pair of wireless batteries. Distances are still limited by several meters, or about the size of an average room, but technology is not hampered by physical obstacles, so the powerful transmitter can be hidden Out of sight.

Enthusiasm Seeing more companies advertise wireless charging solutions like this as they help legalize the technology, but unfortunately, so far, all we have are ads. Since its debut at CES 2016, Ossia has yet to release a wireless charging product Available to consumers. Today’s Xiaomi announcement does not include vague promises about how long it will take for the company to make its Mi Air Charge technology available outside of its I labs.+Dr..

There are significant challenges in making this technology safe and reliable Unfortunately, it is not compatible with pre-existing versions of wireless charging. In the future, Xiaomi may include the technology in its phones, But other phones won’t work With the system without cover Special goods. There is no doubt that some day truly wireless charging will be popular; We could even cover entire cities with wireless power instead of requiring a transmitter in every room of the house, but for now, that’s still just a baffling tech show.

Lovell Loxley

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