Without an agreement between the unions and Iberia: the Reyes strike continues and will affect 45,000 passengers

UGT and CC.OO. They refused to continue negotiations with Iberia and resumed calling a workers' strike over Christmas, this time on January 5, 6, 7, and 8, in the middle of the Three Kings holiday and the return of the Christmas holidays. (Source: Europe Press / Iberia / EBS)

No deal. The meeting between Iberia and the unions – UGT/CCOO, USO and the Intercentros Committee – concluded on Wednesday without any progress. So, The strike will continue on January 5, 6, 7 and 8This coincided with the Three Kings holiday and the Return process.

However, the unions hope to resume negotiations on Thursday, the last day to reach an agreement. “The company has put on the table its absolute refusal to implement automatic processing,” the unions expressed their regret in a statement that they had access to. Spain information. He continued: “They are hiding behind a competitive difference, which hides their true intention: to replace all employees at the affected airports and leave them without alternatives.”

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The cause of the conflict has its origin in Handling tender awarded by Aena throughout its airport network last September, resulting in Iberia losing all the large airports where it was located for passenger traffic, with the exception of Madrid-Barajas. The workers believe that the results of this competition are not a mere coincidence, but rather a matter “The beginning of a plan drawn up to put an end to business in Iberia.”.

Several Iberia planes at Madrid Barajas Airport. (Gustavo Valente/Europe Press)

As expected, the company expressed its regret that an agreement had not been reached and reiterated that this strike constitutes a violation “Enormous damage” to thousands of people Which had flights scheduled for those days, in addition to more than 90 airlines served by Iberia Airport Services that had to cancel and modify flights. According to Iberia, all jobs are guaranteed by solutions, so there is no destruction of employment or elimination of jobs.

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Given the high level of monitoring of the strike, Iberia announced on Tuesday that the necessary measures had already been taken to address it 90.9% of the 45,641 passengers will be affected by the aforementioned strike. Of this number of users, distributed between Iberia, Iberia Express and Air Nostrum, 80.2% were transferred to other flights, while around 10.7% (equivalent to 4,900 passengers) chose to receive a full refund of the cost of your tickets. for now, The company canceled more than 400 flights from January 4 to 8. List of canceled flights It can be consulted here.

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The strike will be on 29 Spanish airports Where Iberia Airport services operate, including airports with the highest traffic such as Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Alicante, Valencia, Malaga, Seville, Palma and Tenerife. Iberia reported on Tuesday that it was able to provide a solution to 90.9% of affected travelers. 36,621 – 80.2% – were flown and the requests of 4,900 passengers – 10.7% – who preferred to change their flight times or demand a refund for their tickets to avoid the inconvenience caused by the strike were responded to.

Freddie Dawson

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