With an unexpected competitor, the short bid for dredging Hidrovía . advanced

finally, It is known who will participate in the short tender for dredging the waterway until the launch of the long tender, its specifications are not ready and will take at least until the end of 2022. The “double envelope” offers have been opened: the technical offer on the one hand, and the economic offer on the other.

There are four proposals to win this contract: the first is Jan de Nul, through Compañía Sudamericana de Dragado, the current operator and who has been in charge of the business for 26 years; The second consists of Consortium Trans-Companies (UTE), with the Belgian International Dredging Company, the Chinese company CCCC Shanghai Dredging CO and the Argentine company Servimagnus SA; The third is the Dutch Boskalis. And finally, the union between Danish Rhode Nielsen and Emepa SA, a company associated with the laptop issue.

Bidders estimate that the technical review will take a month or more and there may be another extension, so the short bid will be shorter than that. A challenge for those who have to move the bulldozers without knowing if they will have to remove them again later..

On September 12 of this year, a radical change took place in the administration of Hidrovía. After 26 years of special control of the waterway through which 80% of Argentina’s foreign trade passes, the government decided, once the contract expired, that the General Administration of Ports (AGP) would be the body to take control of the Paraná-Paraguay waterway. Among its functions is the collection of fees which, During the first three months of management, it billed $42,150,000 with total expenses of $37,650,000. There is a net result of $4,500,000, according to the same AGP published in its most recent management report.

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With no time to bid for dredging and extension, AGP directly hired the two operators that were already in business.. Apart from each other, both dissolved their Hidrovía SA company to continue business separately: the Belgian Jan de Nul dredging company, and the Argentinean company Emepa Signal.

Before the end of Hidrovía SA’s contract, it seemed impossible for the government to give Gabriel Romero (Emepa) a new chance, as the businessman admitted he was repentant in the laptops case. Having paid $600,000 in 2010 to extend the franchise until 2021. Once the contract was finalized, it was the same official sources that stated that the mentor would be working through other operators. but nevertheless, As soon as the AGP took control of Hidrovía, he decided for some time to appoint those who already knew how to do the job: Jan de Nul and Emepa.

Now, Emepa goes for more. He submitted to the “short tender” for dredging (it is noteworthy that he was responsible for the lighthouse) until at least September 12, 2022 or until the National Inland Waterway Control and Management Authority, the body responsible for the long tender, submits specifications and conditions to the new bidders and the winners begin work.

Freddie Dawson

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