Why is Australia the land of NO? These are the reasons why you should not move to this country

Australia is known as one of the best countries to work in due to the great minimum wage it offers to locals and foreigners. Unfortunately, it’s not all good news, as one tiktok user tells you the reasons why you shouldn’t move to the ocean country.

according to account “@kaiganli” On TikTok, these are the biggest downsides to moving to Australia:

huge geographical distance

There is a great geographical distance between Australia, Latin America and Europe. This fact is a source of inconvenience to many people who migrate on their own, leaving all their families and friends in their countries of origin.

Traveling to Australia from Latin America and Europe can mean between 24 and 30 hours of flying time, depending on the air route chosen. The cost of an air ticket, on average, is about 2000 USD, which is very expensive compared to other countries.

Australian time difference

Communicating with relatives who remain in the immigrant’s home country can be difficult and complicated, as the Asian time zone of Australia must be taken into account, which can be up to 10 hours different from Latin American and European countries.

Strong competition in the field of work

Australia has a highly qualified professional resource. On average, Australians spend more years in primary and secondary education than their counterparts in other countries such as Japan, Germany or the United Kingdom.

Australian immigration is selective

Australian immigration for skilled workers is selective. Not all interested parties can opt for this system. It is required to obtain a diploma and practical experience in some professions that are considered in demand and to have an appropriate level of English language proficiency.

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Dangerous wildlife across the country

Australia is known as one of the countries with large animals that need to beware due to their high toxicity. Even if you are afraid of insects or animals, this country is not for you.

Terry Alexander

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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