Why do we blink? This is the amazing answer of science – teach me about science

Blinking is a necessary procedure for our eyes, and it is known as closing and opening the eyelids. The same action that is able to moisturize the eye, and this is very necessary to be able to soften it. And if you were wondering, we humans blink at least 20 times a minute.

according to National Library of MedicineThe nervous system is what allows our eyes to blink. This is to protect you from:

  • soil
  • dry
  • smoking
  • Chemicals

Well, any of these aforementioned are potential factors for infection in our eyes if not frequently lubricated.

It’s not like you need to buy special drops for this, because our eyes have the ability to provide them on their own, because it’s our tears and the lubricating oils secreted by the eyes that provide the vital moisture.

At the top and bottom of our eyelids we have eyelashes, which are also an important part of being able to block out some irritants such as small litter.

As mentioned on the health page Psychology and the mindThere are factors that can alter blinking, such as:

  • Boredom or sudden situations
  • anxiety
  • Material use
  • Neurological disorders
  • Long exposure to bright light
  • Exposure to irritants such as chemicals

Why do we blink?

Aside from the need our body generates for blinking, which is obviously the most relevant, there are also bases in the past and the evolution that has taken place over time.

Scientific journal National GeographicIt is reported that the researchers focused on studying fish called grasshoppers or mudjumpers, which have developed blinking, as well as mentioning that these fish called mudjumpers, like other fish that do not blink, have muscles that allow this action. But when the ancestors of the tetrapods moved from land to water, the need to blink appeared.

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Just like back then, these ancestors had eye problems such as dryness, because the cornea needed lubrication to protect them.

And although this may not seem related, but according to what has been studied, it was concluded that we all have the ability to blink because of the muscles that surround the eyes, the point is that because millions of years in the past, life on Earth was almost all Under water, humans obviously did not exist.

When the tetrapods got out of the water, their eyes began to suffer the consequences, after which they developed an eyelash, without much effort, because as mentioned earlier, the eye adapts to be able to perform this action, because it is completely natural and serves to protect our sight from many external factors.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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