Who is the smartest brother in the family according to science?

For example, andIn 1927, Austrian physician and psychologist Alfred Adler pioneered this field by studying how status in the family affects children's personality. Their findings indicate that parents tend to treat their children differently depending on their status in the family.

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Older and younger brother, which one is smarter?

However, a new large-scale scientific study appears to have yielded unexpected results. This may put an end to this controversy.

Who is the smartest brother?

All the Scientific studies have found that there are different characteristics among children depending on their position in the family.

Older (virgin) brother: He is usually more intelligent, responsible and outgoing than his siblings, but can also be controlling and ambitious due to early parental attention and the classic responsibility of looking after his siblings.

Middle (or middle) brothers: They are generally conciliatory, peaceful and cooperative, and develop negotiation skills and flexibility to adapt to different situations due to their intermediate position in the family.

Younger or younger brother: Minors are often considered spoiled and selfish, but they are also the funniest. Recent studies also indicate that they are adventurous, independent and rebellious, with family rules tending to be more lax with them.

Studies show that firstborn children tend to have a slightly higher IQBut the difference is small and cannot be conclusive from a scientific point of view (see below).

However, a study conducted by the University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom) in 2022in which more than 5,000 children under the age of 14 were analysed He asserts that the older brother is the most intelligent in the family for two reasons: he is the one who received greater stimulation and better care from his parents.

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Who is the smartest brother?  Science has asked this question many times.

Who is the smartest brother? Science has asked this question many times.

What does science say about sibling arrangement and intelligence?

Although it is common to find articles validating these ideas, especially in reputable media outlets, The most comprehensive study conducted by two psychologists at the University of Illinois in 2014 yielded interesting results.

After analyzing 377,000 students, they found that although there is a statistical difference in the IQ of first-born children, this difference is so small that it has no relevance either scientifically or in real life.

The researchers point out that parents' interpretations may distort previous studies. Such as attributing greater intelligence to the firstborn because of his position.

As a last resort, Research findings indicate that birth order does not have a significant impact on children's development. Neither in their personality nor in their IQ, according to Professor Rodica Damian, one of the main researchers in the study.

These findings challenge the generally accepted idea that place in the family determines certain traits in children.

It is interesting to note how stereotypes, such as the perception of younger siblings as selfish charlatans, may not be supported by strong evidence.

This study calls us to reconsider our long-held beliefs about family dynamics And learning about the diversity of experiences and personalities within homes, instead of relying on simplistic generalizations.

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