WhatsApp: What message should you never open? | Chronicle

The WhatsApp It is one of the most used messaging apps in the world, with more than 2 billion users worldwide. Although this magnitude also has its points against it since then Become a hacker’s favourite to carry out their attacks.

Thus, the International Bureau of Internet Users Security already Anticipated cyber threats for the coming year On the instant messaging platform Properties dead And they launched a warning for a fake campaign that in recent weeks has grown like this Aiming to impersonate you.

Respect the growing trend of cybercriminals to deceive users with messages that incite them to perform certain steps or invite them to open a link, Message – With Link Embedded – File Download The WhatsAppFake-able-to-empty-bank-accounts-20210930-0049.html “target=”_blank”> Trojan virus on cell phone.

As reported by the International Bureau for Internet Users Security, it is represented as Invitation to update chat backup from The WhatsAppIn fact, it seeks to extract the backup of the conversations in the application and the user’s call history.

However, the positive is that the entity confirmed it If the user received the e-mail, but did not execute the file that It is downloading on a fake link, most likely The cell phone does not get infected. All you have to do is delete the file that you will find in the download folder. You should also send the mail you received to the trash‘, they recommended.

The virus was detected in The WhatsApp by the international body.

What do you do if you get the message The WhatsApp?

To avoid a catastrophe in the device, specify the security principle that if you click on the link, You will have to delete the file in the download folder and it is also necessary to send the mail to the trash that may have been received.

Moreover, the organization recommends that Do not open any kind of links sent by chat, As the company usually communicates about its updates as soon as you open the application and not through chat.

To verify the correctness of the information, you can contact the company or the service that supposedly mailed you, always through their official customer service channels”Description of the institution.

Also, for added security, It is recommended to perform The WhatsApp-so-you-can-Activ-the-new-end-to-end-encrypted-backup-20211018-0005.html “target=”_blank”> Backups periodically With all the information that you consider important so you don’t lose it in case your computer has a security incident. It is also recommended Keep your devices updated and protected with antivirus software.

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Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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