WhatsApp revamps its application in Windows 11: these are the changes

The messaging platform rearranged its interface in its version intended for computers. (WhatsApp)

The WhatsApp application has received new improvements, albeit this time for the version of the application intended for the Windows 11 operating system, with a series of updates that promise to improve the user experience and provide new features.

These changes will also be available to Windows 10 users. Which includes modifications to the interface to reorganize some aspects recently requested by the community.

One of the major new features coming with the latest WhatsApp update for Windows 11 is the introduction of an adaptive interface.

Previously, the app interface did not change properly when the window was resized, making it difficult to read messages when viewing the contact list and chats together. With the update, The contact list is hidden within the menu, allowing the chat page to take up the entire screen and thus improving the readability of messages.

The Windows 11 release will reorganize some menus so that users are more comfortable interacting. (Goal)

Another important improvement is multi-window support. WhatsApp now lets you open chats in separate windows, similar to apps like Telegram. AndThis makes it easier to manage multiple simultaneous conversations, with the advantage that each chat window has a more compact interface, displaying only the selected conversation.

This feature provides greater convenience and efficiency in communication, especially for users who have active conversations with multiple people at the same time.

In addition, a new “hamburger” menu has been added that shows contact and chat statuses. This addition not only reduces interface clutter, But it also provides quick access to other functions, such as statuses or settings.

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According to some reports from Windows Latest, this menu could be used in the future to integrate AI functions, such as Meta AI shortcuts. This capability opens up a host of new possibilities in terms of interacting with the application and using advanced technologies to improve the user experience.

Many changes have been made in the version because the community has been requesting them for a long time. (Reuters)

On the other hand, WhatsApp is also testing the integration of “Meta AI” into the desktop application. This integration could allow access to advanced AI features directly from the WhatsApp app on Windows.

Although it is not currently possible to start a conversation directly from the desktop, this functionality may be available in future versions. The introduction of native dialogue for AI functions, as seen in the tests conducted, demonstrates the company’s commitment to providing the best experience to users on all possible platforms.

Spam messages on WhatsApp are becoming increasingly abundant and annoying, always trying to trick users into stealing or taking their personal information. for this reason, The app is already working on a solution to punish those who send this type of content.

Many changes have been made in the version because the community has been requesting them for a long time. (Effy)

The main goal of this new tool is to restrict the accounts of users who devote themselves to sending spam in an abusive manner, Thus providing an effective measure to discourage this type of unwanted behavior that can become a form of fraud.

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The WhatsApp account restriction feature is based on analyzing the user’s recent activity. Through automated tools, The app will be able to detect abusive behavior, such as sending mass messages or using automated scripts to perform unwanted actions on the platform.

When a user account is identified as suspected of spam activities, WhatsApp will apply temporary restrictions to the said account. This restriction prevents the affected user from starting new conversations for a certain period, as a disciplinary measure to correct their behavior.

Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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