WhatsApp: How to send photos and videos to contacts so that they are seen only once and are not saved to the cell phone

(Photo: WhatsApp)

To add more Chat SecurityAnd The WhatsApp You have a choice “unique offer”. As its name suggests, it helps users create files Pictures or videos They can only be Only seen on one occasion.

With this, the content cannot be saved by default on recipients’ devices and will be automatically removedOnly after they saw each other. It also helps in managing devices memory since it does not fill up the storage space.

The great option can now be activated for users to get more control over the files they share by following the steps below.

Before proceeding it is recommended Download the latest version of WhatsApp Available for your device on the official Google or Apple App Store. Once you have it, you must do what we explain below:

(Photo: WhatsApp)
(Photo: WhatsApp)

Before sending a file Photography or video In the chat, look down, next to the writing space, #1 inside a circle.

Once you have located it, you must click on it.

-when i do The WhatsApp It will notify you that the file is set to view once.

-Then you can send the file with the arrow on the side.

With these simple steps, the file you sent The recipient can only see it onceHowever, it must be remembered that it is still possible to take screenshots or record the screen and this will not be known.

When the other person sees the content, the platform will flag them with a legend “opened” s two blue popcorn In the space where the file was.

WhatsApp messaging allows individual viewing of photos and videos (Image: WhatsApp)
WhatsApp messaging allows individual viewing of photos and videos (Image: WhatsApp)

It must be remembered that if the image or video is not opened in a file within 14 days From the moment it was sent to you, The file will disappear from the chat.

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Also keep in mind that single-display media files can be restored from a backup if the message was not opened at the time of the backup. If the photo or video has already been opened, it will not be backed up and cannot be restored.

Anyway, the platform dead Recommends not to send private photos or videos to strangers Or those who do not trust them because although they can be automatically deleted, they can take screenshots or record from another mobile to get a copy of the files.

If the recipient wishes Report the file Single-view multimedia, this file will be sent to WhatsApp,” WhatsApp said in a statement.

WhatsApp logo in the App Store (Image: WhatsApp)
WhatsApp logo in the App Store (Image: WhatsApp)

When you receive a file Inappropriate messageAnd WhatsApp allows reporting of contacts Through a few simple steps:

– You must first select the message you want to report for a few seconds

– Several options will appear immediately in the upper right side

-select option Report to…

Then, the platform will help you to finalize the actions of the person to be reviewed, where he will receive the last five messages sent by that person or group, but without notifying the issuers.

The WhatsApp also receives The user or group has been identified, information about when the message was sent and the type of message sent (photo, video, text, etc.).

Another way to stop receiving spam is to simply block the person in question or leave conflicting groups.

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Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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