What is the superfood that can improve your mood, according to Mayan mythology?

Much has been said about the wisdom and important legacy he left Mayan cultureHowever, few know that they have the knowledge Superfoods that can improve your mood. We tell you the details.

In Mayan culture, there was a superfood that was considered within society to be a true gift from the gods, and was used in sacred ceremonies and even as currency. Today this ingredient is still used in countless recipes and has many health benefits.

about him cacao, Which, in addition to being food for the Maya people, also serves as a currency for exchanging foods of importance. this Superfood It was grown in the areas where Tabasco and Campeche are located today.

Considered a divine gift, cocoa was used during religious ceremonies such as baptisms or weddings and there are records of its importance in ceramics, paintings, murals and other objects in which divinity and art were fused.

Cocoa is an incredibly valuable food due to its delicious flavor and versatility when it comes to including it in meals. However, on a chemical level it has an incredibly positive effect on your mood.

This is because it is considered a natural release of serotonin, which is often called the “happiness hormone.” In addition, it promotes the production of dopamine, another compound associated with pleasure and satisfaction.

Likewise, cocoa contains phenylethylamine, a stimulant that helps improve mood and energy levels.

It is important to note that specialists point out that cacao It should be consumed in its most bitter form and without added sugars.

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Freddie Dawson

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