What happened to the candidate who promised a free concert for Metallica if he won

Carlos Augusto Gonzalez, the candidate of the Green Environmental Party of Mexico (PVEM) who promised to bring Metallica to Reynosa for free if he wins, She managed to collect only 2.5 percent of the vote, i.e. 5,692 points.

Carlos Augusto PVEM banner holder for the mayor of Reynosa, Tamaulipas, became known outside the entity thanks to a video that went viral He promised during an election campaign that if he won the election contest, he would give a free concert to the rock band Metallica.

On April 20, the candidate’s video went viral on social networks, in which he asserted, “Wool is ours, we have to invest in it and I dare say it, listen carefully, If we become president, we’ll bring Metallica to Reynosa for free. It is enough that our wool is screwed into anything. ”

During an election campaign, the PVEM standard-bearer said that if he were to win the election competition, he would give a free concert to the rock band Metallica (Photo: Facebook @Partidoverdereynosa)

The campaign event was attended by young activists who enjoyed the intervention of the Monterey rock band Genitallica and other groups.

During his speech, green flag bearer Macky Esther Ortiz Dominguez, the current mayor of Reynosa, criticized the National Action Party, including He stressed that the city in his administration “is neither progressing nor progressing.”

We are not politicians, we are ordinary people. We have to change this messThis is not Carlos Gonzalez’s project, it’s everyone’s project; We have to get involved now, enough of them plunder Reynosa‘ said the applicant.

Carlos Augusto Gonzalez was sixth in the electoral competition, receiving only 2.5% of the vote (Photo: Facebook @Partidoverdereynosa)
Carlos Augusto Gonzalez was sixth in the electoral competition, receiving only 2.5% of the vote (Photo: Facebook @Partidoverdereynosa)

However, until the Minute Court was arrested on June 7, Carlos Augusto Gonzalez was sixth in the electoral competition, with only 2.5% of the vote, that is, 5,692 votesAccording to the Preliminary Election Results Program (PREP) of the National Electoral Institute (INE).

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The victory in the entity was taken by the banner-bearer of the National Renewal Movement (Morena) coalition. and Labor Party (PT), Carlos Victor Peña with 95368, 43.4% of the population voted.

He received 69,314 votes with 31.6%, Jesus Maria Moreno “Shoma” of the National Action Party came in second placeMorena has more than 10 points in the PAN in the municipality; Beatriz Yarelli Rodriguez Vazquez of the Encounter Solidarity (PES) party came in third with a total of 13,148 votes.

"If we become president, we'll bring Metallica to Reynosa for free.  Enough of our wool to be tapped into anything,' the applicant promised (Reuters/Mario Anzoni)
The candidate promised (Reuters/Mario Anzoni): “If we become president, we’ll bring Metallica to Reynosa for free. Enough wool we have for anything.”

Institutional Revolutionary Party (IRP)PRI) got 5.3% of the vote (11,714), Citizens Movement banner holder Juan Carlos Zertuchi was placed fifth with 4.2% (9,258) and Sixth went to Carlos Augusto Gonzalez.

In a video he posted on his social media after the polls closed, The holder of the green flag admitted that the preliminary results From the elections indicated the direction It was very noticeable and “Reynosa has already decided”, so “show political civility” and act for the benefit of the municipality, I wish Carlos Victor Peña success.

The truth is that she does not like us, we have seen that the citizens chose Carlos Peña Ortizwhich I want to congratulate. We hope this contest continues like this, and it is politically kind to know how to recognize it, and we will continue to work for Reynosa and God bless Reynosa,” he concluded in his video.

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Freddie Dawson

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