The United States asked that the election results be respected in Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru: “We expect fair, free and peaceful operations.”

Pictured is the Secretary of State of the United States, Anthony Blinken. EFE / Ken Cedeno / Archive

United States Secretary of State, Anthony BlinkHe urged that this weekend’s elections be in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru.Just, free and peaceful“, s Request that the results be respected.

“On behalf of the people of the United States, I wish the citizens of Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru a successful election process on April 11th, It was developed in a way that is fair, free, accessible and peaceful. As part of our efforts to protect and strengthen democracies, we must realize that free and fair elections for all citizens are only one step in this process. The free and fair vote must be accompanied by respect for the resultsBasic freedoms and accountability. “

I add: Democracy thrives when citizens and governments actively promote equality before the law and human rights for allAnd democracy flourishes when we approach these basic pillars with determination. This showed the history of the Americas and other regions It is very difficult for societies that follow an undemocratic path to regain what they have lost. To prevent this from happening, everyone We must pay attention to strengthening our democratic institutions In support of the rule of law, freedom of the press and good governance, and the establishment of systems that solve problems and allow us to move towards a more auspicious future.

In September, it will be 20 years since the nations of the Americas gathered in Lima to sign the Inter-American Democratic Pact, which states that “Democracy is a system of life based on freedom and the economic, social and cultural improvement of peoples”. On this Sunday and beyond, we extend our best wishes to those who celebrate and preserve this democratic way of life.“He completed.

Pedro Castillo, Veronica Mendoza, Yunhe Liccano, Keiko Fujimori and Hernando de Soto, the leading candidates in Peru
Pedro Castillo, Veronica Mendoza, Yunhe Liccano, Keiko Fujimori and Hernando de Soto, the leading candidates in Peru

In the midst of a pandemic and crisis, Peru and Ecuador hold presidential elections This Sunday it Bolivia, a second round of elections, to elect the governors of La Paz, Tarija, Chuquisaca and Pando.

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In the case of Peru, there is no female candidate for the elections And no candidate exceeds 13%, according to the latest opinion polls published in the country, which since 2018 has seen four presidents passed.

Keiko FujimoriDaughter and political heir to former President Alberto Fujimori (1990-2000), she was the first to vote intent, with A slight advantage in a technical equivalent of five timesAccording to a poll published on Thursday.

The Ipsos and Datum polls coincide in awarding Fujimori with 12.9% of the correct vote, ahead of the seventeen other candidates vying for the presidency of Peru, despite having a high share of undecided.

Andres Arause and Guillermo Laso, Ecuadorean presidential candidates
Andres Arause and Guillermo Laso, Ecuadorean presidential candidates

On the other hand, Ecuador is celebrating a close second round Between the left-wing candidate Andres Arause – Dolphin of former President Rafael Correa – and the right-wing banker Guillermo Laso.

Arouz said he was confident of his victory, and called on his supporters to “take notice of the vote” and “take to the streets” that night “to celebrate the popular victory.” The 36-year-old young candidate stated that one of his tasks, if he reaches the government, will be constructive.New historical block“To unite the social and productive forces in the country, with the aim of resolving the economic and health crisis that, according to what he said, leaves the outgoing Lenin Moreno government.

For this part, Lasso called for national unity To overcome the crisis in the Andean country. “Ecuador needs us together to face the future with determination and will,” he said.

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