View | Girls love science. Written by Aitana Maas # OpinionVP

Calling everyone is not innate. It is discovered and built throughout our time on a path where many aspects such as family or education, aspirations and personal dreams are added. Dreams I refuse to acknowledge is that for many girls and women around the world they are not subject to science, although the data reflects otherwise.

Women are still a very small percentage in scientific and technological fields, and in professional sectors that need selective features in which women cannot be left behind, but rather, to be, specifically, essential. It is also true that there is still a lot of work to be done to ensure girls all over the world tend to have the same opportunities as their peers. It is incomprehensible that with the number of female college students slightly higher than the number of men, they decide much less for careers called STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in its English acronym).

I can take for example my experience that was not done in many years. My class at the university, which had about 80 students, was mainly divided between about 70 men and about 10 women. We’ve been just over 10% of the testimonials that were also treated this way. The civil engineering world has never been a rose bed for women. Anyway, this gives to another article.

Only 28.5% of science, technology, engineering and mathematics jobs are held by women. The data still reflects the feminization of sectors such as the caregiving professions where women are overrepresented. Only in this academic year 2020/2021, according to enrollment in new universities in Spain, 17,2509 new students registered in the engineering branches while the registered female students reached 57,943. The numbers practically shift when we check the branches related to health and well-being with 177,353 registered and 72,985 registered .

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This data leads us to a very clear question: What are we doing wrong? A study published in Science in 2017 indicates that in boys and girls ’learning and perception of science, there are hardly any differences until they reach the age of six. From this age they began to believe that science is more complicated or that it is not theirs. And here we have the first key.

Teaching equality to awaken calls without stereotypes from early ages is essential, to open a window of opportunity for girls and to promote technological and scientific careers, to work to wake them up, but above all, not to blur the path. Education plays an essential role in breaking down stereotypes so that they do not influence invitations. Girls also want to look at the stars through a telescope and boys want to cook or do makeup. Let’s break down the established rules, empower girls, and open up ways for them to embrace these strands of opportunity and that stereotypes don’t influence their decisions.

Key Two: Show Reviews, The Wonderful Women Who Have Been Forgotten, As The Campaign Recently Denied No more Matildas. We owe it to these invisible women to turn them into references. And we owe it to the girls of today not to be neglected, so that the community is not left without the great contributions of our girls.

And last, to improve it as a community. We see how feminist struggle has permeated a few years ago and has been able to be an engine for social change because it hasn’t happened in years. Much remains to be done, though, to achieve and mature. We owe it to those girls who want to eliminate pandemics like the ones we’re going through, to those who want to beat cancer or simply to those who want to reduce the fuel consumption (and thus carbon dioxide emissions) of airplanes by investigating the lighter materials for the fuselage. .

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Let them love science.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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