Video: A neighbor arrests two thieves with flying kicks

A woman and a man They began to flee after their driver’s belongings were stolen In the municipality of Pereira, Colombia, but her mission was broken off. Amid cries of alert, A neighbor ran towards the motorcycle they were traveling on and stopped them with a plane kick.

Thief stopped with a plane kick – Source: Twitter

The selected scene was recorded in a video clip Which quickly circulated through social networks, not only because of the eloquent sequence, but also because of the story that the Twitter user added in his post.

“There the thief gets off and the person who carries the motorcycle goes down, complicates the matter, and goes there to turn it over, and there the car is stolen and he picks it up,” The Lady (Victim) starts to scream and this is where Jackie Chan comes inThe young man begins his story.

In conjunction with the photos It seems that the thieves are approaching their victim. A woman on foot removes something from the car and the man immediately carries it on a motorcycle. Although the escape cut quickly, when a neighbor shouted He ran out of his house and kicked them typical of those seen in martial arts movies.

Then he stopped them. First the man, then he also had time to catch the woman who was running in the opposite direction. Some passersby beat the thief until the police arrived.


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Freddie Dawson

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