Investment in science was federal and outpaced inflation AF highlighted that before 80% of investments were concentrated in Buenos Aires and now that percentage has gone inland

For the first time in history, investment in science is being made in a deeply federal sense. In 2022, it will increase by 16%. In real terms, it is higher than inflation.And stressed the president Alberto Fernandez, This Wednesday, during the opening of the 141st regular session of the National Congress.

Fernandez emphasized that “more than 80% of the investment has always been made in the Buenos Aires metropolitan area, which has led to the transfer of technological development to the rest of the national territory”. Now, that ratio is completely reversed: Almost 80% is carried out in the inner provinces of our country. precise.

It also highlighted the importance Federal program “Equip Science”, who drove approx 400 teams Medium and large size for the amount $108 million For scientific and technological institutions across the country.

On the other hand, announce a startup Federal program “Building Science”, that you expect to work for more than 100 new buildings Dedicated to scientific activity, during the period 2022 and 2023.

In this sense, notify the new chief 32% increase Real, projected into the bill that Congress voted on, and note that this is true “Strengthening a strategic sector for national development.”

Science and Technology

Fernandez pointed out the importance of strengthening conical, because it is “an essential part of our scientific system”. “In these years, we have recovered more than 30 points purchasing power of the salaries of its researchers, And almost 40 points the salaries of her colleagues “, Chair details.

In this context, he noted that in recent weeks phases 2 and 3 of clinical studies of National Coronavirus Vaccine Developed by conical the San Martin University (ANSAM) and the Research Agency of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

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The President confirmed this “The new phase of Argentine science is characterized by increased contact with the private sector.” This has allowed the development of “countless technology-based companies, a large number of qualified jobs, and knowledge-based products that have reached the third position among Argentine exports for the first time.”

He also highlighted during his presentation on the programs “connect equality” And Connecting Schools. “more than 611 thousand teams in 8201 schools Across the country, coverage and connectivity of more than 7 million students. When this year is over, we will have delivered 1 million 200 thousand computers “, The president confirmed.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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