TMEC corridor attracts investment; South and Southeast No: CEESP

The Center for Economic Studies of the Private Sector (CEESP) confirms that Tesla and other automakers are betting on investing in the so-called TMEC corridor due to the good conditions for doing business, something that the states of southeastern Mexico do not have. .

Investments in the automotive sector are made in an area that could be called the NAFTA corridor, or TMEC. Ie from Puebla to the north. Then Tesla’s decision and insistence confirms the geographic preference of many others,” says the body accredited to the Council for Business Coordination (CCE).

In the states of the region indicated and in order to take advantage of the terms of the Treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada (TMEC) there are automobile assembly plants for Audi, BAIC Group, BMW, Ford, General Motors, Honda, Hyundai, JAC, Kia, Mazda and Nissan , Nissan, Daimler, Stellantis, Toyota and Volkswagen, details of the institution responsible for preparing the analysis and research on the economic situation in Mexico.

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According to CEESP, the conditions for doing business in the entities of the TMEC corridor are better than in the southern states of the Republic of Mexico.

Thus, Baja California, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, San Luis Potosi, Puebla, Morelos, State of Mexico, Queretaro and Hidalgo were able to unite themselves as part of the TMEC Corridor, with the arrival of investments from cars. section.

This entire region has infrastructure, communication and logistics, as well as a favorable attitude and policies of the authorities and residents towards investment, adds the study center.

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“It would be desirable for this type of investment to be located in the southeast, as expressed by the President of the Republic, initially indicating that the installation in Nuevo León would not be allowed,” said the Advisory Body on Economic Issues in the Arab Republic of Egypt. Business Coordination Council (CCE) and first level companies in Mexico.

The authority responsible for Carlos Hurtado López indicated that Tesla refused to accept the presidential order, because he had chosen his proposal and was finally finished arriving in Nuevo León and not in the southeast.

The water scarcity veto has been considered on two occasions by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who ends up declaring that the new Tesla factory, owned by Elon Musk, will be installed in the metropolitan area of ​​Monterrey.

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“Obviously, for the development of the Southeast, which has been absent since the beginning of industrial development related to NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), it would be desirable for investments to be made there,” stresses CEESP.

He adds that the region requires many elements, such as state responsibility, improving infrastructure, logistics, communications, connectivity, electric power security, adequate regulations and the rule of law, as well as a positive attitude of the authorities and residents towards investment. He insisted that all of this is in the TMEC pass.

“Many of these items are public investments, which have declined significantly, except for major public sector projects, which have focused on a few such as the Philippine Angeles airport, the Mayan train, and the Dos Bocas refinery,” according to CEEPS.

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In this regard, the Foundation warned of the danger that the net worth of the residents of these projects would be negative in the long term, and that they would end up becoming “white elephants,” because they lack the social profitability studies required by the budget. Law.

“The cost of major government investment projects has been significant and to cover them without undue impact on public finances, resources have been made available for other purposes, which are likely to be more important to the well-being of the population such as health, safety and public education.”

“It is necessary for the government to give better signals so that investment is revitalized in the country especially in the south and southeast through friendly rhetoric and policies that promote a better environment for investment.”

“Improving infrastructure, logistics and connectivity are requirements for reducing operating costs for the economy, as well as greater public safety, better regulation, adherence to the rule of law and the elimination of extortion,” CEEPS states.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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