“Those Who Count the Flag” return to Góngora Theater on January 15

For the fourth year in a row, the Góngora Theater will once again host the show’Those who tell science‘, the event by which it takes place University of Cordoba (UCO) opens its annual scientific publishing program, which will take place during the morning and afternoon Saturday 15 January.

According to UCO, this activity was organized by Scientific Culture Unit at the University of Cordoba (UCC + i), in collaboration with the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and ‘Maldita Ciencia and ‘The Conversation’, two of the media currently leading Scientific Communication In Spain. In this version, the show, which combines science, skepticism and humor, will focus on love as the main theme, which will be analyzed from different scientific points of view under the direction of actress and science interviewer Natalia Ruiz Zelmanovich, who will play the expert. festivities.

In tomorrow’s session, publishers Conchi Lillo, ngela Bernardo, Raquel Sastre, Laura Morán, Elena Sanz and Clara Grima will participate. For its part, the evening period will witness the participation of Gabi Gorcuera, Susana Escudero, Rossio Benavente, Botticaria Garcia, Gemma del Canio, Lola Riddell and Sara Benzi; A selection of the best publishers in the country with which it will once again be possible to learn and enjoy science at the same time.

How to buy tickets

Those interested in attending the event, through which the organization intends to include science in the city’s cultural calendar, will be able to purchase their ticket starting next Monday, December 13 at 10:00 am. in the web page Or at the ticket office at the Gran Teatro de Córdoba.

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The activity will again be part of the official program through which University of Cordoba Celebrates F11, the Day of Women and Girls in Science. For this reason, the event will try to clarify the role investigators And break the stereotypes that refer women to the background in the scientific world.

This activity is included in The eighth annual plan for scientific publication of the University of Cordoba Which cooperates with the Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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