This happens to your WiFi if someone connects without your knowledge

Keep in mind that there may have been hackers before Various reasons. A clear example of this is unlocking the network or using a bad password. But they can also take advantage of a vulnerability in your router or in a protocol you’re using, such as Wi-Fi key encryption.

What happens if they access Wi-Fi

We can say that it is not strange to have Wi-Fi hackers, although in practice it will always happen due to some mistakes you made. If you have Well protected And everything is in order, you should not have problems. But, what happens if you have hackers or you think there were at some point in your connection?

You lose complete control

The first thing you will lose Full control from your network. That is, there will be at least one other person who will be able to say when to reboot the router, when to take a device out of the network, and so on. You will be able to access the device configuration, which entails. Undoubtedly an important problem.

This leads us to recommend not only protecting your Wi-Fi network, but also accessing your router settings. It is essential to have a good password to prevent hackers who can take control of the device and even kick you off the network.

Speed ​​drops

The obvious sign is that Speed From the Internet may fall. You may notice that what you contracted for did not arrive. You can run a speed test and find out that, for no apparent reason, it reaches you much lower than it should despite being connected by cable or very close to the router. This happens if there are hackers.

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But why is there a lower speed? The reason is obvious: there is more bandwidth usage. If this intruder is downloading files, using the cloud, or watching YouTube videos in good quality, it will consume connection resources. It will make the speed more limited.

There may be discounts

You may also experience inconvenience cutbacks. You may notice that the connection drops from time to time, the router reboots for no reason, and so on. It is another sign that there may be intruders in your wireless network and you need to take some measures to prevent this from happening, mainly to improve security.

The more hackers on the network, the worse the connection. You’ll have more trouble to prevent those cuts we mentioned that can affect day to day on the internet a lot.


This doesn’t happen much if only one device is connected, but it is something that can happen if more are connected. Basically, what is happening is that your router is saturated with own files More connected equipment. Although they are devices designed to support many devices, the more devices you have, the more problems you will encounter.

So, you can start to notice some saturation. Even if these hackers do not benefit much from the connection, by simply connecting to the network, they can cause problems affecting the signal.

So, as you can see, these are the main consequences of having hackers on your Wi-Fi network. They can penetrate your wireless network and it is necessary to take measures to protect the connection and prevent people from entering without permission.

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Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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