They will provide Centenario Hospital with high technology to detect eye diseases

They will provide Centennial Regional Hospital (HPC) From the team of Optical coherence tomography This will allow the provider to provide quality care and correct and timely diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases.

Providing the device will be very useful to meet the healthcare requirements of the hospital, whose target population consists of everyone Coastal areaWhich covers governorates Santa Fe, Entre Ríos, Corrientes, north of Buenos Aires Province, east of Cordoba Province and south of Santiago del Estero Province.

In addition, the HPC can serve as a recipient for patients referred from other public providers in the area to use the new technology available. The project is considered “humanitarian” and is called: “Vision of the future. Contributing to eye health in the Argentine coast.

She has the initiative Local shepherdsAmong them: Rotary Clubs of Rosario (Santa Fe, Argentina), initiated by the Rotary Club of Rosario. Participants: Rotary Club of Rosario, Rotary Club of Rosario Norte, Oeste, Plaza de la Bandera, Sud and Ovidio Lagos.

They also made their contribution International sponsorssuch as: Rotary Club of Merida Itzais (Yucatán, Mexico), Rotary Club of Chicago (Illinois, USA) and two other Rotary clubs with contributions to the negotiations.

Project Description

In a global society that relies on the ability to see, vision problems have far-reaching consequences for individuals, their families and caregivers. Timely access to quality medical diagnostic care greatly affects the impact of… Eye conditions.

the eyes illnesses They affect more than two billion people worldwide, and at least one billion people suffer from visual impairment due to these diseases, which could have been avoided with proper diagnosis and treatment (World Vision Report, World Health Organization, 2020).

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Centenario Regional Hospital Between 35,000 and 40,000 consultations per year Due to any of the eye diseases mentioned above. Unfortunately, many eye disease treatments are often delayed due to a lack of equipment for proper diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.

About the 25% of these diseases require optical coherence tomographywhich is not available in the hospital, and only some seriously ill patients can be referred to private providers in the city.

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a method that allows obtaining virtual images of the extraordinary perfection of various ocular structures. This allows a degree Completeness and diagnostic certainty, unimaginable until recently. It also makes it possible to carefully follow the development of different conditions based on remarkable objective data, which do not suffer from interdisciplinary observational bias.

The project's target population is: 8,000 – 10,000 adults per year. Budget: $52,920 + VAT 10.5% ≃ $58,500. Amount committed by foreign sponsors: US$8,000. Amount committed by local sponsors: US$13,000.

The amount committed From the Rosario Foundation for Medical Sciences: US$5,000. FDD: 7,000 US dollars. LFR counterpart: $5,500. Amount still to be raised: $20,000.

The Medical Sciences Foundation of the City of Rosario, in collaboration with the Centenario District Hospital, is responsible for Service sustainability Introduction and ongoing Team performance To supply. The hospital has a highly specialized maintenance area which will maintain the equipment.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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