The United States will lose its position as the largest economy by 2075: who will be the new global powers?

The coming years will not only result in a modification of the dominant position of the United States, but will also be characterized by the supremacy of emerging countries at the international level.

The United States and China, the world's major economies. Photo: Reuters

at the moment, The United States ranks first as the most important economy in the worldMainly followed by China and Japan. However, a study conducted by Goldman Sachs revealed that Americans They will lose their dominance.

Moreover, the report explained that in the following decades, 7 of the 10 global powers can be considered emerging economies today.

BRICS summit.  Photo: Reuters.The BRICS countries will rise in the world rankings. Photo: Reuters

Likewise, although it is expected that European Union It remains the fourth most powerful economy in the world in 2075, and none of its countries will individually appear among the top five in the global power rankings.

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What will happen in the world?

There is no doubt that the coming years will bring very important changes in the global power system. The aforementioned report sees this China will overtake the United States to become the world's leading economy by about 2035. From there will begin a phase in which the Asian giant will consolidate itself in the number one position for at least 40 years.

Contrary to what might be expected, It will not be until the United States finishes second in 2075, when it will be overtaken again, in this case by India.. Likewise, the wealth of the United States would still be more than twice that of both countries.

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Chinese President Xi Jinping walks while attending a senior Chinese leaders event held by the National Committee on US-China Relations.  ReutersChinese President Xi Jinping. Photo: Reuters

this way, Ranking of world powers for the year 2075It will consist of:

  1. China
  2. India
  3. United State
  4. Indonesia
  5. Nigeria
  6. Pakistan
  7. Egypt
  8. Brazil
  9. Germany
  10. United kingdom
  11. Mexico
  12. Japan
  13. Russia
  14. Filipino
  15. France

Thus, 7 of the top 10 global powers in 2075 will be economies that are today considered emerging. next to, Germany will be the only eurozone country to remain among the top ten spots. Likewise, the most striking thing is Fall of JapanWhich from being the third economy in 2023 will become number 12 in 2075.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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