The United States returns to the Paris Agreement

The United States officially joins the Paris Agreement to combat climate change on Friday, February 19. Among Joe Biden’s first executive orders was for the United States to join again. Barack Obama signed it in 2015 when he was president, but Trump abandoned it in 2017. The new Democratic president pledged to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. This means that all of the country’s carbon emissions will be neutralized either through natural ecosystems or through technology solutions. .

A goal it shares with the European Union, which celebrated the return of an old partner. “We, with the recovery fund, and they are through their climate plan, are investing a lot towards this. We can also guide, show the way, and in fact, there’s kind of good competition coming in climate change technologies,” John Kerry said, the first letters that Delivered as a climate ambassador she said exports would also be part of the strategy, ”explains Social Democratic MP Miyapetra Kumbula-Natari.

China is the largest polluter in the world, with nearly a third of emissions. The United States comes second, due to the extraction of fossil fuels and the large agricultural and industrial sectors. Environmentalists want to see more national action and more solidarity from richer economies towards countries with fewer resources. “We definitely want to see more actions related to canceling investments in fossil fuels, including gas as well, because we are still seeing a lot of investment in natural gas. We also want to see more leadership on a global scale, shared between the United States and the European Union. And also showing solidarity with the Global South, because we want to see the transfer of knowledge and technology to the Global South to support the transition in less developed countries, ”defends Jagoda Munic, Director of Friends of the Earth Europe.

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America’s New Role

President Biden wants to implement a $ 2 trillion climate plan to create 10 million jobs in clean energy sectors. He has also promised to reduce methane emissions from oil and gas exploration, and he has also secured assistance from the business sector who see this as an opportunity to facilitate innovation and trade with the European Union.

“For companies to invest, which is a long-term project, they need to know that the environment is stable, predictable and safe. Then they can allocate their money to new technologies that are necessary not only for companies to reduce their carbon impact, which our companies have been doing for many years, but to provide solutions for all sectors. Society and other businesses as well to reduce their carbon emissions, ”says Susan Danger, director of the Chamber of Commerce. An American in the European Union.

Close cooperation between the European Union and the United States may facilitate greater commitments from other countries at the next UN climate conference in November.

Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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