The United States announces a donation of a new vaccine to Paraguay

The United States recently donated one million doses of Pfizer’s vaccine, reducing the age group to continue the immunization schedule.

Read more: Another 33,900 doses of Pfizer vaccine arrive in the country

With this announcement, there will already be two million doses that the United States will donate to Paraguay, which received most of the donations before the vaccines it purchased.

The US Chargé d’Affairs, Joe Salazar, said via his Twitter account: “Our donation of 2 million vaccines to Paraguay is an investment for a better future for all. Together we overcome this pandemic.”

Find out more: Find out what the second dose vaccination will be like this weekend

The President of the Republic, Mario Abdo Benitez, thanked the United States for the new donation and said that this gesture increasingly reinforces the strong friendship between the two countries.

Paraguay also signed a contract to supply 1 million vaccines manufactured by Pfizer, 69,000 of which have arrived so far.

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A total of 33,900 doses were received on Friday and batches of the vaccine are expected to arrive each week, according to the schedule stipulated in the contract.

Although Paraguay has signed several contracts to provide vaccines, immunization of the population is progressing mainly thanks to donations.

The agreement with the longest delay is with the Covax Mechanism, which sent only 304,800 doses out of the 4,279,800 purchased by the government.

There are also problems with Covaxin vaccines from India, whose country has banned the export of doses due to the current situation, while more Russian Sputnik V vaccines are waiting, especially for the application of second doses.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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