The success of Lula da Silva’s journey | Opinion

From Rio de Janeiro

Lola’s journey has already been unanimously successful. It couldn’t be better than that.

He was with the future chancellor of Germany, with the President of France and will do so with the President of Spain, he spoke in the European Parliament, as well as individual contacts with people like Joseph Stiglitz, François Hollande, and Jose Luis Zapatero (Photo), among several others.

Lula would leave Europe with a bigger picture, for the recognition he received, but also for the speeches he gave, in keeping with his reputation as a world leader in the fight against hunger. He was promoted as a statesman.

Europe was happy with Lola. His career is impressive, from his origins to his extraordinary government, through his unjust imprisonment and conviction, until he earned nepotism to become President of Brazil once again.

But surprisingly, the success of the trip resonated in Brazil also in an extraordinary way. Suddenly, not only were the massive images of the reception that President Macron repeatedly received, they also resumed his passage through Germany, as well as his speech to the European Parliament.

As if this success weren’t enough, commentators have explored the point of contrast between Bolsonaro’s bizarre trip to the Middle East, with strange pronouncements, leaving the country’s current president in an even more difficult position. He said Lula’s success and Bolsonaro’s failure socket from The television that Bolsonaro watched himself without understanding anything.

But the most important thing is the consensual recognition from Brazilian media commentators, not only of the success – it is impossible not to admit – but also of Lula’s personal greatness as a statesman, to restore Brazil’s image in the world. And other attributes that were never mentioned.

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And there were those who stressed that Lula’s prestige comes from the memory of his government, recalling the level of support of 87 percent with which he ended his second term. Highlighting, for the first time in traditional media, the success of their governments in Brazil, an issue the media themselves are promoting oblivion.

Lula’s trip to Europe, here in Brazil, sparked a process of recognition of the former president’s national and international political dimension. Even commentators who resist Lula’s prestige claim that he is “the world’s most famous political leader”.

Globonews and even Globo, covering timidly about Lula’s trip, ended up acknowledging the success of Lula’s trip and the failure of Bolsonaro’s. Many quotes from Lula’s letters were reproduced verbatim in Europe, where he emphasized his basic positions.

“With the President of France. On the agenda, the urgency of climate and global issues such as hunger and poverty. We also talked about the future of the European Union and the integration of Latin America.”

I believe that world leaders must come to the table and confront these challenges of global governance. We share concerns such as the progress of the far right around the world and threats to democracy and human rights. Thanks for the kind reception.”

The trip took place at the same time that Judge Sergio Moro finally agreed to the long-awaited interview at Globonews, acknowledging that he would be a candidate for the presidency of Brazil. The effects of the interview, which were expected to dominate the political agenda, ended up ranking lower, given the scale of Lula’s success in the world.

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Moreau, the media favorite, who should have the support of the other candidates, ended up being another candidate for the Third Method, with whom they number more than eleven. He was left with the expectations of Lula’s trip to Europe.

Lula returns to Brazil ready to start rebuilding the country, even though we still have more than a long and painful year ahead. The national media themselves must acquiesce in Lula’s size in the world.

Freddie Dawson

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