The sanatorium will serve a high degree of complexity and hospitalization for 3000 PAMI members

PAMI President Chivilcoy reports that the management of the transfer of 3,000 members from the Municipal Hospital to the Chivilcoy Sanatorium has been successful, confirming the availability of the said private medical center as an available respondent under High Complexity and Hospitalization as of this week. “We are very pleased that it was not an easy task, thanks to the commitment of Luana Volnovich and her team, from the central level, to the improvement of the administrative department, through investments, audits and sworn statements regarding level 2, which is the hospitalization, and I also thank the support and management of the National Representative, Constanza Alonso to speed up procedures.

“This UGL has a population of 150,000 in the whole district, of which 12,000 make up the Chivilcoy district, and so far their focus has been in the municipal hospital only, starting in June, after signing an agreement with the Chivilcoy Sanatorium, 3,000 capitas were transferred to the medical,” said the medical officer.

As of June

In this sense, he reported on the transfer, “We did it in the clearest way possible, taking five general practitioners with their patients, and adding 3,000 associates and associates. The medical professionals are: Rodolfo Baca, Manuel Poirot, Luis Capobianco, Jose Ferro and Norberto Lobardo, who They make up 3000 members who will be treated from now on, for a period of two months, except for those who want after that period to make the hospital again the center of attention for recovery, they can change it again.

Likewise, he reported a quota of an additional 250 people to make this change, both for those who wish to return to the hospital as a reference center as well as those who wish to adopt the sanatorium as a solo movement.

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He pointed out that “these movements are agreed upon with the hospital authorities,” explaining that “the system gives us a period of two months to be able to carry out the movements of change, for those who want to do so individually.”

Hospitalization and severe complexity, no medical care

Thus he asserted, prior to the consultation, that “the general practitioners managed by the chair system each have their own subsidiaries and bring them into their own offices as they already do. In this case, with this new agreement, the corresponding affiliates of the aforementioned professionals will have the Chivilcoy Sanatorium as a reference center for recovery, and it continues The GP system is in business as before.”

The health context in Civilkoy

In response to a question about the reason for the administration, the official said: “It is worth noting that this measure was adopted within the framework of the health context of the city, which is going through a sensitive moment, as is the case for public knowledge, as the institute does it. All that can be added, taking Considering that the situation is serious, we are taking these steps to relieve the pressure on the municipal hospital influx, which was timely expressed by the municipal authorities.

With Chivilcoy Sanatorium as the new beneficiary, we are financially supporting the private health system and decompressing the local hospital, trying to do the same with the Western Medical Institute (IMO), prioritizing strengthening the private sector to protect also the sources of work of these centers

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Meetings with IMO

On the other hand, he reported that they had a meeting with the authorities of the medical center, “They are conducting an assessment, we have had personal meetings with the official, and the more qualitative influencers are in the area, the better, because we support the public health system and we also finance the private sector,” he added, It is not necessary to conduct an audit, because they are already influential on PAMI, so it will be very simple, from our side, there is all the willingness to work with them and assign them at the first stage how many capitals they think they are able to absorb. ”

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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